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Busted!! this video goes behind the scenes with audio bits of a taped interview with the head historian of downtown Indianapolis. taped footage exposes the secret masonic agenda to use war veterans and their money to build, maintain, and honor graven images to babylonian war god/goddess.

Train with spoiller lvl 79
Video Rating: 3 / 5

34 Responses to Indiana’s pagan temple to war goddess Ishtar

  • protestantsep says:

    @ytsolarus And that is probably why God forbid such symbols eh? For these ‘symbols’ as you call them, which are in fact ‘graven images’ are the very thing which communicates ‘messages’ to man, and those messages can vary from person to person, but the common denominator is that one message remains the same for all….and that is they disobey the voice of God and obey the voice of the serpent, who becomes their Master. So yes symbols can say different things, but it’s still the ‘image’ talking.

  • secondexodus says:

    @ytsolarus public office??.. politician???… u trippin solar. this whole nation was built on the disobediance of God’s Commandments, from washington’s claim to be God and the national monument ( a graven image of baal) so of course all their prayers and songs and patrioitic hoopla would have the same ‘tone’ to it. check out a video by protestantsep on the history of the flag….

  • ytsolarus says:

    @protestantsep Symbols mean what the viewer of them thinks they mean. For you they are a violation of your tribal God’s rules. For others they are not. EOS

  • ytsolarus says:

    If you are actually serious about this then run for public office. I was wondering, what is your opinion of the Blatant violation of the first and second commandments that is the national prayer known as the Flag Salute? Notice it places allegiance to the graven image of the flag ahead of allegiance to the Republic. There is no allegiance to God or to the Constitution in it.

  • secondexodus says:

    @galatian5 welcome to the separatist movement.these silly rascals fall into their own snares…imagine that! im just a witness to this disobedience and shouting out a final warning and wake up call to the remnant. this guy was dancing around the truth that i already knew, then he finally comes to the same conclusion.!!times like these make a man out of ya or keep you a luke warm loser. i don’t know who the historian is now… its too late. they don’t attack if you attack first!! what an honor

  • galatian5 says:

    Well done secondexodus. Even the church is full of ministers and priests who belong to these secret frats. They do good in twisting the Lord’s original word into counterfeit things like prosperity preaching, worship of creations, calling men “holy father”, and even the abuse of children.

    Know also that there will be people attacking you for saying the truth. Masons are known to defend their own and slander the reps of their opponents.

  • secondexodus says:

    @17762001 twist……innocent…… u a funny guy

  • secondexodus says:

    @you’re not done. those holy days you speak of (christmas and easter) yet no nothing about existed long before the time of Yeshua, so explain that. don’t you understand it is the combination of the dark with the light the pure with the profance the pagan with the christian that is the problem now, we were instructed to go into the world and preach the gospel, not to incorporate and combine with the world and its pagan holy days. it is sad our church elders have sold out and this is new info

  • secondexodus says:

    @Impericalevidence He is ruler over the sun, don’t you get. don’t be fooled, worship not the creation but The Creator.

  • secondexodus says:

    @17762001 christians…a bad name….too late for that. with all the comprimise and idolatry infiltrated into the Church, u don’t have to worry about the likes of me giving it a bad name. don’t you get it, we, the remnant who hold the testimony of His Son believe in separation and not combination, the problem here is the state is combining the pure with the profane by placing a graven image of baal on the cross and commandments. and yes the usa does have an official religion FREEMASONRY!!

  • ZackaryEntertainment says:

    @secondexodus So you basically don’t celebrate any Christan Holidays, I’m done here.

  • secondexodus says:

    @ZackaryEntertainment the Church is the people, we are the Church, for it is Christ within us, not an institution like catholics or baptists. He came to abolish religion not to establish it. if there is any group down here that could be labeled it would be the remnant spoken of in revelation, those who hold the testimony of His Son. it’s amazing the catholic church attributes pagan ideologies to saints who would puke on such ideas. and no, my family and I don’t celebrate pagan holydays.

  • ZackaryEntertainment says:

    It really means “Country Dweller”. The star is called, “The Star Of Destiny” a star which means a bright future for the nation.

  • ZackaryEntertainment says:

    @secondexodus Well, the Catholic Church is Saint Peters church, who was sent from Jesus himself, and I sure whatever little baptist church you go too is a decent of the Roman Catholic Church, also if your celebrate Christmas, which is really Christ’s Mass, which Mass is a church service, and it was set on a handy date of Yule, a peaceful Pagan Holiday, also if you celebrate New Years eve, then another peaceful Pagan holiday occurs, M?draniht. Also in the Indiana State Poem, when saying, “Pagan”

  • secondexodus says:

    @XenFayed im to the point now i can’t stop laughing myself, glad i could spread some ur way

  • secondexodus says:

    @ytsolarus yes this place is polluted with images of ‘her’ and her child. same story throughout all civilizations..babylon…egypt..rome….usa. and no they don’t have the right to use taxpayer funded land set aside to honor soldiers and thier sacrifice unless indeed this is an ‘ancient’ war revived where men once again are dying for this revived war goddess. so indeed the story is being told. so just be honest with people who fund this pagan property and see how much support there really is

  • secondexodus says:

    @ZackaryEntertainment it really doesn’t matter how u judge anything zachy, if u believe in the Word then u understand that it is The Word, our two edged Sword that judges, and The Word speaks very clearly about idolatry and the consequences of pagan practices. So no zachy, you cannot claim to believe in the Word of Jesus and be fine with the graven images of pagan gods erected by this pagan roman empire, but considering vatican square and the idolatry that plagues the catholic church i see now

  • XenFayed says:

    This video and these comments are hilarious 😀

  • Jabner1988 says:

    lololololololollolololollolololol Thank you I enjoyed the laugh

  • deepestwound says:

    Hey thanks! I was wondering where the Temple of Ishtar was in Indianapolis!

  • charlene615 says:

    I would like to visit this place. Do you know where this is. I was a soldier and I am the Goddess they are speaking of lol

  • ZackaryEntertainment says:

    I think the mouments are pretty cool looking…I don’t think they are evil..or pagan..If it was releated to pagans…I am fine with that..I don’t judge on peoples religon..or the way they build…I am a faithful Catholic and belive in the word of jesus…One of the frist churches was a old Pagan temple.

  • Pagansniper says:

    What crimes have we committed? You christians and your muslim brothers are the ones who desecrated our lands, destroyed our temples and forced everyone who you let live into conversion. 2/3 of Europe’s population was killed in the name of the church. The only ones worse are the muslims. What pagan empire do we have anyway?

  • Pagansniper says:

    That sounds good to me.

  • protestantsep says:

    @natcheche Life is what we’re all about. and no doubt your pagan butt is comfortable in Indiana, like the State poem says, ‘a pagan voice within me seems to answer to it all’
    and the Pagans will answer for their criminal activity, it’s thefts, it’s murders, and it’s rebellion to the God of heaven and earth soon enough.
    and make no doubt, you paganss will answer to it all.
    Maybe you should ask somebody….your pagan empire has been shut down, your goat god made impotent, the doorway shut.

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