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Question by hunsbunstonsoffun: Indigo Children, what do you think?
The children that are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD. They posses a warrior spirit and are here to usher in the New Age of Peace.

They think differently and refuse to conform just because “that’s the way it is.” You can’t lie to an Indigo Child and they won’t betray their integrity. They highest concetration of Indigos was born after the 70s. Which is interesting, because there was an epidemic of ADD & ADHD around the time they were born.

Indigo Children referring to the Third Eye Chakra which is usually indigo in color.

I feel as if I am one, I’m 20 and I have severe ADHD, but what do you think? And where are the other Indigos???–Crystal-Children

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Answer by Sandra
New footage of Casey’s wild partying 3 weeks before
Caylee’s disappearance! “I’m not ready to be a worn
out soccer mom!”
See it here:

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2 Responses to Indigo Children, what do you think?

  • ingenuo2002 says:

    you should understand better of adhd,since you said you are an indigo kid,

  • susan gale says:

    I think you just need to take the time to look within and not worry about all these label things where other people have created definitions for words. With regard to indigo, the definition has shifted so much in the last ten years, it is mind boggling. It first meant someone who had a deep spiritual connection, thus was highly intuitive in many ways. Many people who are connected in this way have difficulties with others because they “know” when they are lying, practicing deceit and the like. So indigo became connected to children who are resistant to authority. Some people are just difficult and that has nothing to do with being ‘indigo.’ Somehow this morphed into a whole industry with the latest thing being a “diamond” child! Good grief!

    You are who you are and it is the job of us all to find out as an individual what that means. Being in prayer is a way to attune yourself to ‘that which is in all things.’ Being in a meditative state allows you to hear what guidance you are being provided. No one else in the entire universe can be you! And you cannot truly be anyone else. Just, as it says in Desiderata, be gentle with yourself and know that as much as the trees and stars you have the right to be here.

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