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Question by Nitaant: Institution to Study/Facilitate Metaphysics/Spirituality/Transpersonal Psychology?
I am looking for an institution of any kind that has a reasonable facility for the research and study of matters pertaining to metaphysics, spirituality, and/or transpersonal psychology.

I am not concerned about accreditation or whether it will allow me to get a job etc etc.

What I am looking for is an institution that has an environment with integrity to this area and has a large number of staff and students that are truly interested in metaphysics. I am looking for a quality socio-academic cocoon of matters pertaining to spirituality, transpersonal psychology, and metaphysics.

There are some universities, the university of metaphysics for example. A google search yields various results that discourage people from enrolling in this university because it is not accredited, and this seems to be their sole criteria in calling it a “scam”. This field is not mainstream and before it spreads and becomes accepted and becomes very mainstream, the only sources will naturally be less than on par with the bulk of society’s normal standards, and I am not concerned with this. What I am looking for is an alchemizing environment with plenty of opportunity for research, sharing, and the accumulation of metaphysical knowledge.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Edit, add “consciousness” studies to the general list

Best answer:

Answer by ??†?? ?F ??????
wow, a study in BS-ology! wow!
i cant believe that there are a few like this.

well, i hate when people answer to mock without an actual answer so
i would be hypocritical to not answer here, hold on one min.

found it
the gray school is kinda popular for things suh as that i hear.
have a look.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Response to Institution to Study/Facilitate Metaphysics/Spirituality/Transpersonal Psychology?

  • If you go to the website of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology ( they have a list of schools they recommend. You can study all kinds of things there without being considered a fool. It IS possible, and many of us out here support you in your search.

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