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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Keep clicking on his Arpit! XD
834 persons don’t understand what funny is
do tity twister over and over XD
WOW next time i want something then i will totally ebay it
0:27 epic angry face
dont fuck with the guitarman
there is nothing but stupid stuff in this video
i think there is only 830 people that really understand what am talking about
how much was that voodoo doll its like in like the hundreds
lol xD
why does it look like michael cera lol no offense michael
how much was that voodoo doll its like in like the hundreds
lol xD
lol click on the mouth10times very fast =LOLOLOLOLOL
Raggedy Andy**
It’s raggidy Andy
0:54 looks like jigsaw’s voice wants to eat mysteryaccordionman!
lol q debil mental kk
JUST NOTICED THE VOODOO DOLL IS RAGGEDY ANN :):) (look at the bottom of the left pants)
so really lonely anyone up for cam chat or phone
you should do night on bald mountain, using only brass intrument (like in an orcastra)
18 bucks for a voodoo doll!!! thats a rip off
@Aerochalklate :-D! I Know right! XD
This Is Soo Cool! !! Make More!!
did u already use voodoo mistery guitar man? i will love see my copy in youtube deleting himself account
LOL. My video froze right as he was hovering over the mouse. It was awesome.