body with myrrh, soften the skin with ointments (oils and resins), then they stuff the abdominal cavity with fabrics. The body is then rsewed. 5. The last operation which lasts 15 days is the wrapping of each member by fine flax strips impregnated with gum. Protective and magic amulets are placed at various places of the body, essential to support the rebirth. Toutankhamon was protected by a hundred amulets.
Ancient Egypt Canopic Jar: During the mummification process, the internal organs (intestines, stomach, liver and lungs) are withdrawn from the body and put in vases called canopic jars. The heart is left in place because required while the dead is judge by Osiris.
Mario is graduated in Biochemistry and Genetic Engineering (University Bachelor degree). He also owns a MBA in Pharmaceutical Affairs. Mario developed an expertise in nutrition and passion towards alternative medicines and ancient civilizations. If you found these facts interesting, visit its blogs for more informations about ancient civilizations at: =>