Question by australianmindy: Interesting things to look up on eBay?
Any of you have any suggestions of weird/interesting things I can look up on eBay?
Examples of things I have thought up so far: Donna Summer lifesized cardboard cutout, a book about divination, tarot cards, a mormon’s guide to dutch oven cooking, a cupie doll, body bag…
Basically anything that makes you go, “Why would you look that up?” and things that don’t exactly “go together” if you get my drift…or anything that’s a little scary works, too.
Please, no suggestions to look things up like Jesus’ image on a piece of toast.
Be creative!
It’s a long story as to why I’m looking for suggestions, but I assure you it is for a good cause! haha
Best answer:
Answer by Becca M
The most interesting thing i would look up on ebay would a Hamburger phone from Juno!!
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