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the first level of the unconscious. The further he descended into the house the darker the scene became. The lowest cave was filled with the remains of early civilization, which Jung interpreted as the world of the primitive man inside each of us. He said that the primitive psyche of man borders on the life of the animal soul, just as animals inhabited caves, before human beings started to dwell in them.

 However, Jung did not follow the basic Biblical principal that a dream comes as an answer to the questions a person pondered on before falling asleep. For example, King Nebuchadnezzar was concerned with the future of his kingdom after his death (Daniel 2:29). In the dream, God gave him the answer to his question and showed him what the future would bring. Daniel could tell Nebuchadnezzar both the question that had been in the king’s heart, and the interpretation.

 Because Jung pondered on Freud’s theory and how it could be linked to human history, God gave him the answer. Let me give you the interpretation. The house in his dream symbolized human history. Important historical periods were associated with various levels of the house. The early history was associated with the lowest part of the house, and ascending storeys represented more recent history.

 In the cave Jung found two human skulls. We can relate them to Adam and Eve as the whole floor of the cave was covered with thick dust. Adam and Eve decided to exalt knowledge above the fear of God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In punishment God cursed them, saying they would die and go back to the dust from which He took them.

 The basement of the house was set in the style of the Roman period. This was a decisive period where

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