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Intuitive Decision Making Using the Ancient Art of Bibliomancy

Are you in need of guidance in your decision making ability? Do you want to know the future? Then Bibliomancy, the ancient art of foretelling the future and for gaining intuitive insights using books, may be for you. Every day we are faced with decision after decision whether it be how to deal with a troublesome person or situation, finding the best way out of a predicament or wanting to know how things will work out in the future. We are all faced from time to time with questions like “What should I do?” or ” What’s going to happen?” And it’s only natural for us to want to find answers to our questions. Some ask close family or friends for advice, whilst others seek guidance and clarity from professional advisors such as counsellors, psychics or clairvoyants.

It’s not surprise that many world leaders, business people and celebrities have consulted psychics for advice. Consulting the Oracle, Soothsayer or village wise person who had the gift of seeing into the future was common practice in ancient times. Napoleon consulted his “book of fate “before embarking on many of his successful enterprises, whilst Queen Elizabeth I employed the famous occultist John Dee and Edward Kelly, who predicted the Spanish attempt to invade England in 1588 and the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Bibliomancy is a divinational practice for seeking spiritual insight by selecting a random passage from a Holy Book. The word bibliomancy is derived from the Greek word ‘biblos’, which means paper or book, originating from the Phoenician City of that name, which exported paper products. “Mancy” means divination or prophesy.

Records of using a sacred book for divinational purposes go back as far as three thousand

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