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could also include making up your own collection of meaningful phrases, sayings or short passages. The more pages the better, as the general idea is not to become too familiar with the layout of the pages.

The method used to pick random passage from a book to answer a question is pretty straight forward, and you should begin by first taking two or three breaths and relaxing. The next step is to close your eyes and try to connect yourself with the Universe, your spirit guide or who or whatever you hold in reverence. What you’re after is a sense of positive expectation that your question will be answered. Following on from this, think about the question that you would like to ask, this could be spoken out loud, or in your mind. It might also be helpful if you wrote down your question and placed it in front of you. The next step is to take hold of the book with the spine facing your hand, and then randomly select a page. When you feel ready, slide your finger down the page until you feel the urge to stop. Then open your eyes and read the message, line or passage in the book where your finger is pointing, and think about how it relates to your question. An alternative way to get an answer is by placing the book on its spine, with your eyes closed, allow the book to fall open to a random page. Still with your eyes closed place your finger intuitively on the open page and read the passage, sentence or word.

The answer may not be obvious at first, but it will contain within it the right answer for you. If after some serious thought you still don’t understand the answer, give it a break and walk away, and carry on with something else. In this way you are allowing your mind and intuition to process the information. When you feel

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