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in many books and films with good reason. We instinctively see knowledge as amoral but also as a powerful tool in the hands of a bad person. The Bible warns that knowledge can make proud and teaches that love can build up. The last statement is blind faith in a humanity, which is flawed. Around the world there is still corruption, extortion, abuse of power, hate, violence and greed. Yes there is good as well, but the human race has not improved and shows no evidence of improving. Technology, learning and improved standards of living for some have not changed us for the better.

 The origin of everything.

Atheism believes that the Universe came into being accidentally by a series of random events. It is expressed quite elegantly in the Big Bang Theory. Another theory, which was once proposed, is the Steady State Theory.


If the universe really came about by accident is it rational to expect the laws of physics, the complex structures of atoms, molecules, solar systems and galaxies all by random accidents? The alternative to random chance is intelligent design. We will examine these three, starting with the Steady State Theory.


Steady State theory

Basically this says that the universe has always existed, much as it is now, with matter being formed continually. This does not explain where this matter is coming from or, more importantly, where all the matter in the universe came from in the first place. It is irrational to say, “The universe is here, therefore it has always been here”. Sadly, the Steady State theory does not meet the most basic tenets of a scientific theory, namely that there must be evidence and facts to base the theory on. Fundamentally, the Second Law

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