Question by hello tom, i think you need help: is dumbledore’s death have anything to do with the tower tarot card?
ok, i was meaning the picture of it also. it is a tower with someone falling off it… and there is lightning striking it… and the title of the chapter is “the lightning struck tower”
oh sorry. but i thought i would just say i found out it HAS got something to do with it lol.
Best answer:
Answer by Paz y Amor
no ???????????
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Not that I’m aware of.
Maybe it did. In a way… I just looked up meanings of the Tower card and came up with:
positive associations with this tarot card: re-evaluation, necessary change, a blessing in disguise
negative associations with this tarot card: sudden change, downfall, disruption, disaster
Which, if you think about it, could be associated with Dumbledore’s death very closely.
i dont think soo….
Hmmm, well not that I know of But JK may have been inspired by it.
After all, i am only just learning about constellations etc & there are MANY “Harry Potterey’ things eg – the constellation LUPUS is a Wolf.
The constellation Sirius is a dog.
So it may..
OMG, definitely. It was on the cards before even time. Only no one read them right. Grim. Trelawney was bad at cards and Firenz never believed in them.