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Question by digilook: Is it necessary to have a drug induced state for a vision quest?
“Today is a good day to die”
-Human Beings

Peace and Love

Best answer:

Answer by Tribble Macher
I shall pray for your well being.

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9 Responses to Is it necessary to have a drug induced state for a vision quest?

  • Rahab says:

    No, extreme hunger, any extreme scenario will usually suffice.

  • joshuakane_uk says:

    no not really, you can always use meditation!!

  • PINKO P says:

    Not at all. The drugs will take you way far from real inner experiences.
    You should be aware that most visions are just mind creations.

  • Kithy says:

    No. You don’t need to take drugs to get to that state of consciousness. You can do it on your own, it just takes a lot of practice to get yourself to that point. If a person were to use drugs, I would suggest something mild, unless you know what you are doing. A lot of people have been hospitalized trying to get to that state of consciousness, almost overdosing on the drug(s) they chose to use.

    Take Care

  • Don H says:

    No if you can meditate deeply enough you can do this on your own.

    After Two years of trying daily I managed to do it only twice. It is like when you reach your normal meditative state, you slip deeper into something that seems to be an entirely different reality. The inhabitants of this reality are loving and helpful but quite focused on their own doings. They will assist you to a certain extent but this assistance is often limited to pointing you in the direction where the answer you seek lies. Its like finding the truth is your job. They will act as a sign post pointing out the right direction but will not dictate what your truth is or should be.

    Its difficult for many people but not impossible. The value of the information you are allowed access to is incalculable.

    The real trick is integrating it into your life and using it.

    Love and blessings Don

  • ekduin says:

    NO! You didn’t give yourself life, yu have no right to destroy it.

  • dunie33 says:

    rahab is right, usually it’s fasting.I did an extended one in Costa Rica (1 year) and did a lot of fasting.

  • Eric_Putkonen says:

    No. Vision question was also done several other ways.

    Fasting for long periods of time – particularly in the heat or a hot area.


    Tie a rope to yourself and have people hold on as you wade into a freezing river for a while.


    Have horn or bone slats pierced through your bicep muscles and then be hung by those for a period of time with singing/chanting going on in the background.

    There are other ways…

    ~ Eric Putkonen

  • Biran_Sefar says:

    There are many different techniques for inducing a vision, including drumming, endurance tests, fasting, meditation, pain induction, and visualization to name a few. Typically, when drugs are used, they will be used in conjunction with one or more of these other techniques.

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