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Question by ICToA: Is Lent supposed to be like a vision quest?

Best answer:

Answer by Irefa
Lent is a way to show God that we care and respect him.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to Is Lent supposed to be like a vision quest?

  • SirLoin Stake says:

    Experience is the purpose.
    You’ll transcend Experience eventually (I am you).
    But that will take an eternity of time, which will be rolled
    together as a scroll.

    Just do good. Don’t complain.
    Sacrifice yourself for the benefit of other people.
    That might mean getting a lot of money,
    but use it for their benefit,
    not for vain things.

    If you think the bible and the book of mormon is enough of God’s word, you’re right;
    it’s enough to send you to hell.

  • matz129 says:

    It is a way to prepare for Easter by changing from our old sinfull ways to a conversion of heart =)

  • Invader Squiggles says:

    I think Lent is supposed to make you feel grateful for the things you’ve given up. It also shows you how you can get around normally without it (whatever you’re giving up).

  • craz4ourgod says:

    Lent is the season of remembering, the preparation of Christ sacrifice, a Time for humbling ones self in remembrance of what Jesus did for your sake. prayer and fasting, or giving up something, to honor him.
    for what he has done on the cross, to give you a chance at forgiveness.
    in a way it is similar to a vision quest, in that your seeking Jesus. the Truth, the Light and the Way.
    It can be a very enlightening experience, but ones heart must be right for it.

  • My Dear Origami says:

    Natives fast and pray and go out into the wilderness (outside of the community) in order to find their name, their spirit animal, or if they need help finding a solution to a problem. Usually it lasts 4 days. They do not eat or drink at all.

    Lent is based on the Judaic tradition of the 40 years Israel spent in the desert after leaving Egypt. It is also based on Christ’s example when He went into the desert for 40 days before He began His ministry. I do not know what His motives were, nor do I know if many Hebrews at that time practiced it. (I think St John the Baptist lived in the desert, and many saints after Jesus’ time spent time in the desert.).

    I think it has to do more with self-denial than it does for seeking visions, but it may be so that when man seeks God, and is serious-minded about it, you go into a place where there is no one else to distract you from your goal.

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