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Question by Aundine: Is sex sacred? AND Do you think promise (or purity) rings do any good? ?
Yes, two questions, but they go together really well… like milk and captain crunch. Or separate is ok too.

Best answer:

Answer by smileyone1394
well the Bible says tht sex joins two ppl together emotionally and that sex was meant for marriage and promise rings are there just to help remind u of what God has told us to do or in this case…what NOT to do….so when ur thinking abt doing anything like that just look at the ring and remember tht u have made a commitment to not make that mistake.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Is sex sacred? AND Do you think promise (or purity) rings do any good? ?

  • buttafly says:

    Promise rings can be a good thing, but I think waiting for marriage is become a rare thing. Alot of people, epecially girls wear it, and then get pressured by the one they love to have sex and then do it before marriage. I’ve met many christians who’ve had sex before marriage.

    I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all that people wear purity rings.

    Yes, I think sex is sacred. I want one or few men to touch my body like that. I take it seriously.

  • ? ? ? ? ? says:

    Sex is sacred but people make fun of that because it’s become so common place that even tho it IS natural like eating, walking, etc… It STILL is worth alot more!!
    I don’t know much about purity rings but theyre probably superstition. It takes strength to really be pure & those who are, deserve to be admired.

  • teresathegreat says:

    Purity rings are not chastity belts. They are just a symbol, and mean as much or as little as the wearer chooses. If the person decides that sex is sacred to them and that a purity ring is a symbol of that, then that will work well. If the person decides in the heat of the moment that sex isn’t sacred enough to wait for, then the ring won’t prevent them.

  • Ice Dragon says:

    i think it’s sacred if your in love with the person. and a promise ring is like a friendship ring it’s to symbolize your commitment to the other guy or girl. and i like Captain crunch peanut butter with chocolate milk YUMMMY!

  • Sunshiinesmile says:

    I think it is. It was meant for marriage and only to be shared between two people. The way some people act these days, you would never know that. But a lot of people dont go to church or ignore parts of the bible that don’t fit with what they want to do.

    And for purity rings, i know the jonas brothers have them…their good, but its the person. If you give it to someone and they don’t take it seriously, what good is it? But if someone sees the seriousness and understands what it means and respects what it represents, then yes it is a good thing.

    So yes to both answers. Our bodies are temples

  • ?P0LiTiCALLY iNC0RRECT? says:

    Milk & captain crunch LMAO, lovely comparison:)
    And yes I do think sex is very sacred. I believe it is much more than just the physical act people make it out to be. It is something that should be shared between two people with an emotional bond to strengthen that relationship.
    I think promise rings are a little silly though..If you respect yourself and choose not to have sex, you shouldn’t need any ring to confirm it.

  • THEAmericanPatriot says:

    It’s a reminder of a promise made. Just like a wedding band is a reminder of a promise made (as well as a symbol to others of that promise made). How serious you were about that promise depends soley on your morales. (soley doesn’t look like it’s spelled right)

  • guest says:

    I think sex is very sacred, it is only indented for your husband or wife. If you wear a purity ring, it is a symbol to yourself and God that you have made a promise to stay sexually pure until marriage. If you get tempted by your boyfriend or girlfriend to have sex you look down at your left hand and remember that you made a promise, Also if your boyfriend or girlfriend is pressuring you to have sex and they know your morals then honestly they are not your soulmate, because if they love you and want to stay with you then they shouldn’t pressure to have sex. I wear a purity ring, and if I ever get pressure to have sex then and they keep trying to make me say yes, then they are gone, because they dont’ respect me and my morals.

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