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Question by Wonder Pig: Is sex with magical Genies (Jinn) adultry in Islam?
Quran 37:158 “And they have invented a blood-relationship between Him and the Jinns: but the Jinns know (quite well) that they have indeed to appear (before his Judgment-Seat)!”

I have never met a half-genie half human before, but I am curious if an Islamic scholar would consider sex with magical Islamic Genies (jinn) to be adultry or could one have lots of sex with many magical genies and not be committing a wrong in Islam?

Did the Prophet Muhammad (sbuh) do any Genies?…I dont recall from my studies of Islam

Best answer:

Answer by Poki Poki
you know what steve!! this picture is REALLY perfect for you.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to Is sex with magical Genies (Jinn) adultry in Islam?

  • White Knight says:

    Don’t worry. No genie would touch you with a face like that.

  • Muslim says:

    Yeah, this pig look just like “Las Vegas Steve”.

  • marissa says:

    wow i see that you are inspired by Las Vegas Steve, who isnt such a good inspiration afterall.

    wow — thats really the most twisted meaning of all. the verses are referring to people who say that God had a son or daughter. it is making clear stating about the false allegation you just made.

    As-Saaffat | 182 verses | Those who set the ranks ???? ???????
    Sura #37 | Makkah
    151 Is it not that they say, from their own invention,
    152 “(Allah) has begotten children”? but they are liars!
    153 Did He (then) choose daughters rather than sons?
    154 What is the matter with you? How judge ye?
    155 Will ye not then receive admonition?
    156 Or have ye an authority manifest?
    157 Then bring ye your Book (of authority) if ye be truthful!
    158 And they have invented a blood-relationship between Him and the Jinns: but the Jinns know (quite well) that they have indeed to appear (before his Judgment- Seat)!
    159 Glory to Allah. (He is free) from the things they ascribe (to Him.

    so the verses speak of people who claim what you just claimed.

    hope i helped. have a nice day and peace.

  • sweetzy says:

    Pig, from whom did u learn Islam?

    Dont just take 1 verses and understand it out of context!! Read all the stories to understand it..

    and of course Muhammad never do genies!!!

  • pkdepp says:

    Have you read this book and what are your view or answers to the list below from this book?

    The Truth About Muhammad
    by Robert Spencer

    Meet the real Muhammad:

    Muhammad’s bizarre reaction to his first “revelation”: “I will go to the top of the mountain and throw myself down that I may kill myself”

    The heretical Christian who convinced Muhammad he was a prophet – and may have taught him his erroneous views of Christianity

    Islamic borrowings from Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism – and Muhammad’s enraged replies to charges that he borrowed material rather than received actual divine revelations

    The “revelation” that allowed Muhammad to marry his beautiful daughter-in-law

    The strange incident in Muhammad’s life that makes it virtually impossible to prove rape in Islamic countries today

    The real “Satanic Verses” incident (not the Salman Rushdie version): how Muhammad’s attempt to win over his opponents ended with his saying he had been inspired not by God, but by Satan

    How the Qur’an’s teaching on warfare against unbelievers developed – with constant war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law as the last stage

    The first year of the Muslim calendar: not when Muhammad was born or became a prophet, but when he became a warlord

    How Muhammad used the graphic lure of Islamic Paradise to urge his warriors to fight furiously to extend his rule

    “Kill every Jew who comes into your power”: why Muhammad became so angry with both Jews and Christians – with disastrous consequences that are still playing out in the world today

    The momentous command by Muhammad that led to good being identified with anything that benefited the Muslims, and evil with anything that harmed them –without reference to any larger moral standard

    Muhammad’s child bride – and the terrible consequences his marriage to a nine-year-old still has in the Islamic world

    “This is the caravan of the Quraysh possessing wealth. It is likely that Allah may give it to you as booty”: how Muhammad gave divine sanction to the Muslims’ bloody raids

    “War is deceit”: the permission Muhammad gave his followers to lie in order to gain an advantage over their enemies

    How Muhammad broke the principal treaty he entered into, again setting a pattern for Muslim states thereafter

    Muhammad’s commands to his followers to wage perpetual war against non-Muslims, including Jews and Christians

    Muhammad on women’s rights: women “are prisoners with you having no control of their persons”

    “If justice is not to be found with me then where will you find it?” Why Muhammad still stands for Muslims as the supreme model for human behavior

    “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, and will not leave any but Muslims” – and other statements by Muhammad that contemporary jihadists take very seriously

    Islamic tolerance? The onerous tax burden and other discriminatory regulations mandated for non-Muslims under Islamic law

    How Muhammad ordered the killing of apostates from Islam

    The massacre of a Jewish tribe by Muhammad that was invoked by modern-day jihadists at the beginning of Israel’s July 2006 operations against Hizballah in Lebanon

    “Embrace Islam, and your lives and property will be safe”: Muhammad’s threatening letters to the rulers of the lands around Arabia

    Muhammad’s frequent avowals that the Muslims would overcome the empires bordering on Arabia and one day stand as masters of the world

    “I have been made victorious with terror” – and other statements of Muhammad on his deathbed

    Six steps that American leaders can and must take in order to protect our nation from Islamic jihad terrorism

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