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Question by Desiree: Is the magical Mormon god that lives on Kolob friends with the Christian god?
The magical Mormon god from Kolob gets to physically have sex with his many wives; do you think the Christian god is jealous of the magical Mormon god? I mean I keep hearing that he is a jealous god and that’s something to be jealous of, don’t you think so?
Yay! I’m blaspheming against the Mormon god! My lifes ambition has been achieved…

Best answer:

Answer by joshsybs
well, aside from your entire question/rant being completely inaccurate and blasphemous and meant to ridicule . . .


for starters, nowhere in our doctrine does it say He lives on Kolob nor has many wives, nor has sex wth women.

in addition to that, the anti-mormon rants are getting old; honestly, this one is just lame. Any idiot who laughs at this bigotry isn’t the kind of cohort you really want on your team anyway, but you can have them.

What do you think? Answer below!

6 Responses to Is the magical Mormon god that lives on Kolob friends with the Christian god?

  • Pull My Finger says:

    He’s probably the envy of all the other gods, that’s for sure.

  • Chief Toke says:

    they get together to play charades and pocket pool.

  • Vardarac says:

    Isn’t it interesting that Kolob is essentially the Celestial Teapot?

  • CJunk says:

    I use to go to the mormon church. I had asked the missionaries about this belief when I was 15 years old. They told me they didn’t believe such things. I ended up getting baptised in the church and blessing the sacrament etc. Then one day in Sunday school the teacher started to mention how God lives on the planet ‘Kolob’. And immediately I remembered that the missionaries told me they didn’t. It was enough that they had lied to me that I left. I didn’t leave because I got a girlfriend, or started taking drugs, or lost interest….I left at the age of 16 because they had lied to me and wanted me to help preach their message which I couldnt feel comfortable with, I didn’t want to be dishonest to God. How farked up I was for so long. It was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire from then on (ended up in the born agin church after that, another story)

    Now they try and hunt me down through using the electoral role. Which means If I started to go back to their cult, someone will mark me of their ‘Watch List’. Some mormon said if I wish for them to not ‘hunt’ for me, I just need to ask them to remove me from their ‘watch list’. Like Im gonna. It may be seen as validated their cultish practices.

  • Mayra L says:

    Lol. Seriously? Is this the best you’ve got? Looks to me like you’ve lost your touch. And since you’ve achieved your life’s ambition maybe you should find something better to do with your time. Maybe plant a tree, adopt a stray or clean a freeway. All of those things would be much more productive than what you’ve got going here.
    Wish you all the best in your new endeavors!

  • elodie duck says:


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