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Question by Popeye: Is the Protestant and self called Christian bipartisan system celebrating a pagan rite on Hallows Eve?


Protestants in USA love the star with 6 corners, 6 angles and 6 vertex!

Best answer:

Answer by Lily
that all depends on what the costume is- I’m sure few Christian children would ever go trick-or-treating in a devil costume, for instance

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to Is the Protestant and self called Christian bipartisan system celebrating a pagan rite on Hallows Eve?

  • PJ says:

    Most are. Some don’t. And some churches have their own plays and horror streets for their people to attend.

    Some christian parents spend their time trying to make schools conform to their religious beliefs and getting them to cancel halloween activities.

  • Z* says:

    I pretty sure Halloween came about from peoples respect for the dead. Many cultures practiced this in some shape or form. Time has a way of distorting things.

  • A says:

    the skull bones have orgies during hallows eve.

    Americans not only love that star, they worship it!!!!!

  • Trzcina says:

    Yes, Halloween is derived in large part from Samhain and other originally pagan festivals. Most “days of the dead” also have roots in the pre-Christian religions of their respective regions.
    But so are Easter and Christmas in their current forms. The vast majority of Christian holidays borrowed dates and traditions from the festivals of pre-Christian (that is, pagan) Europe. Ever think about eggs and rabbits at Easter? Pagan fertility symbols.

    At the same time, it’s almost impossible to work out the original pre-Christian beliefs of many areas, because the records were kept by Christian missionaries and monks who told “pious lies” and therefore caused the earlier traditions to be lost to history except in their modified, Christianized forms.

  • Blueberrygal says:

    Most Christian churches have Autumn Festivals on that nite, don’t celebrate the evil ‘ween’.

  • Mechanic says:

    most of our holiday and celebrations are pagan in origen , That includes christmas may day and easter harvest festivals. all come under the years annual solaces. and were used for planting reaping and storing food. Halloween is a celtic celebration they called it samhain, It was three day event at the end of the year as the darker days were starting when all the crops were in and the winter was starting , a large fire and sacrifice was made to the crops and animals, then a small part of the bonfire was taken home to each hearth to warm the houses through the cold winter.

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