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Question by pat645: Is their a spell to enchance sexual drive?
Is their any spells that can increase my sexual drive? Or a ritual that I can perform for this?

Best answer:

Answer by Kerry M
try this one…
abracadabra…corpus cavernosa…make my penis INFLATE
hahahaha retard

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4 Responses to Is their a spell to enchance sexual drive?

  • mr_scary_scarecrow says:

    Hmm, let me first of all ask you to not care about silly answers on your question here above.

    The best way to increase the sexual drive is (according to my opinion) is to work for a lot of romance as a foreplay.

    The game in the sack is beautiful itself but is just the ending. Not the beginning of a wonderful adventure.

    The beginning might be starting over a meeting in a park with most beautiful person you can imagine. Heart beats, sweatty hands make you to feel nervous and dizzy asking your partner out on a restaurant for then having a romantic bath and, finally the game in the sack.

    If you begin to put energy on the romance I mention here above the sexual drive will increase automatically. – Then it is always good to train with closed eyes (filled with imaginary pictures) by letting your fingers play over your own parts.

  • screamofthebutterfly says:

    Ritual- sit crossed legged on the floor pick up a bowl fill it with chronic
    light up the chronic and inhale deeply hold, hold and release,
    should help

    I do not imply a recommendation that anyone engage in any activity that might violate the laws of the state or country in which he or she lives. Anyone who proposes to use cannabis should seriously consider the implications and consequences of breaking the law.

  • Mirsada S.O.N says:

    Merry meet. Here is a ritual that anyone can perform to enhance sexual drive. Place carnelian in a white bowl with water. Add a teaspoon of salt and leave it outside for three days and three nights. When the time is up, hold the crystal close to your heart, visulaize your desires and needs and imagine making passionate love by the sea with the one you love or desire so deeply. Keep the crystal in a red cloth bag and leave it under your pillow.

  • KdS says:

    This could be done very easily. Wearing a bit of Nature oil on yourself as if it were perfume could do this. There’s also Lucky Clover and Lucky Swastika oil (clover is the girl version, swastika for a man) which you can use to anoint the gentials for added power. Various occult suppliers sell these items.
    You could also get a mojo hand made with appropriate roots and herbs, for this purpose.

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