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metaphysical spirituality
by nimboo

Question by Andy F: Is there anyone in R&S who admires compassion in its own right, regardless of metaphysical views about God?
I guess I’m a little tired of Religion & Spirituality serving as a virtual battleground for people making intellectual claims for rival ways of looking at the world.

I mean it’s always enjoyable to indulge in righteous indignation against the “infidels,” whoever you think the infidels to be.

But is there anyone in R&S who comes here to explore – well, spirituality, and morality, and the positive fruits of one worldview or another, no matter whether it’s theist or atheist?

Best answer:

Answer by Mikey
It’s generally not a good idea to persue critical analysis of anything. Unless a person has throughly investigated the thought with a large degree of open minded optimism first.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to Is there anyone in R&S who admires compassion in its own right, regardless of metaphysical views about God?

  • Waite Forrit says:

    I think atheists tend to more than any other group, and while that may seem chauvanistic it really isn’t; atheists necessarily view compassion in that light.

  • ...Anonymous says:

    I guess I do, sometimes I do get a bit frustrated and give up.

  • vinslave says:

    I come in to share what I’ve studied most of my life, of religions, and answer questions within the boundaries of the querent’s philosophy, not by foisting my opinion unless it’s asked of me.

    If someone asks something about Catholicism or Islam (etc.) I answer within those philosophical and ideological parameters.

    I’m Buddhist but what works for others is what’s best for them. Being helpful certainly isn’t by my saying something to the tone of, “Catholicism can’t be right because as a Buddhist…”. What’s best is to offer info that the person can use and choose to analyze for themselves.



  • Wood Uncut says:

    Sure, there are quite a few of us here that come to learn; to pass on what knowledge or experiences we can.

    In fact there’s an awful lot of interesting stuff here. It’s just that at times the ‘battling’ takes over and you have to look all the harder. That’s why contacts are useful. Find people who’s questions and answers interest you and I maybe what interests them will be helpful to you too.

    Of course, that said, most of us like to have a bit of fun now and then. But for myself, I like to keep it polite.

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