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Question by HeMan: Is there really a Pagan ritual that involves dancing under the moon in the nude?
I saw a program on AOL TV a couple days ago titled “Taboo: Nudity” The subject was “Shedding clothes as an act of expression or liberation, and even as a means of worship.” It showed a pagan ritual where male and females take off their clothes dance naked around a fire under the moonlight. Is this real or just Hollywood stretching the truth? No wonder Christians have such a tough time converting pagans.

How do I get invited to such a ceremony?

Best answer:

Answer by nevyn55025
It is a true ceremony. Good luck getting invited unless your REALLY good friends with a wiccan.

What do you think? Answer below!

23 Responses to Is there really a Pagan ritual that involves dancing under the moon in the nude?

  • Sherri Berri says:

    Yes, it’s called the “Nude Moon-Dancing” ritual.

  • Mako C says:

    There CAN be…
    You start your own…

  • rac (euro atheist) says:

    It’s called skyclad. It’s real. I don’t know how popular it is but I have a sneaky suspicion the weather will have an impact there.

  • Val says:

    I don’t know, but count me in.

  • bongernet says:

    The only proper way to usher summer in, as any self-respecting pagan will tell you, is to get naked, cover yourself in paint and play with drums and fire.

  • terrified by spiders says:

    No. It’s a myth perpetrated by lustful warlocks.

  • chippyreturns says:

    Dunno, but in the event there is one made up of all women, I’d like it to be recorded so that I may study it.

  • GoatBoy says:

    Hey, you should try it. It’s liberating but a little cold this time of year.

  • Traveler says:

    Yes, it’s called a Spring Break.

  • Labgrrl the Technologist says:

    The Pagan women I know do not do that, probably because we all do not qualify for a particular rhymingly named committee and would be sore afterwards.

    But we’ve no need to hide our bodies.

    That being said, ahem. I live in Buffalo. ahem. Want me to catch cold and be sore?

  • Lightandtruth says:

    Historically, it reaches back to pre Christ. However it involved females only and involved a right of passage. The most popular was lining up in parallel 12 on each side.

  • villi2ve2000 says:

    Some groups practice in the nude or Sky Clad. Some do not. It’s what ever makes them feel comfortable and what they all agree on.

    It’s not being stretched by hollywood. However, Hollywood loves it because it causes a sensation. Nudity!!!! OH My!!! LOL.

  • Matthew says:


  • space monkey says:

    Who needs to be a “pagan” to dance naked with your lover in the moonlight?? LOL (just one more really nice thing about living in the middle of nowhere)

  • Gary B says:

    yes, during a full moon. And it also involves lots of alcohol.

    In fact, there was a woman in Indiana this spring who stabbed herself in teh foot with a broadsword, while dacning, drunk and naked, under the full moon.

  • Lilith Raven says:

    salacious tabloid mentality.. sorry we see the pervs coming a mile off so you’d never get an invite

  • Windsor says:

    If there isn’t such a thing already, then I suppose somebody can always start one!

  • Namaste says:

    Yes, there is such a ritual. In any ritual the participants can choose to be skyclad (naked in pagan language). No one is forced to do anything. You don’t have to participate, its all personal choice.

    Everything I know about any pagan faith is that everything is by choice. You can choose to worship a certain way or choose not to. You’re not breaking any rule if you choose do to something a different way. That’s what makes pagan religions so appealing. You do what feels right for YOU, not what someone else tells you.

    How do you get invited? Become part of your local pagan community and host your own skyclad ritual. But it’s not about sex, so don’t be confused. If you’re looking for an orgy, you’re not going to find it there (at least not in the ritual. What happens after, who knows…its all about personal choice. Well, actually, there can be sex in a ritual… have to get into paganism to really understand the ideology).

  • Lucy [im just a girl] says:

    Oh my god thats so cool!

  • Frau Asher - Heathen says:

    answer: don’t be surprised when you get disappointed. There are a couple of Wiccan traditions (types of Wicca) that practice sky-clad (naked). It’s not about sex and those looking for sex will be shown the door. I’m told after a few minutes you really don’t notice that everyone is nude (and there are a large number of pagans I’m not sure I’d WANT to see naked).

    I attended a Samhain ritual a long number of years ago, an open ritual. One guy couldn’t wait to ask the HP/HPS when everyone was going to get naked. They blinked, looked at him like he grown two heads and calmly explained it was an open ritual with mundane guests and there were children present. No naked rituals.

    He disappeared before the celebration started.

  • elbeekanob says:

    Well, being skyclad/naked in Pagan ritual is not about sex. It’s about trust. Also, I know of very few traditions where it is required. Most often it is what you are comfortable with. In my coven, the rule is ‘nobody says you must be naked and nobody tells you that you can’t be’. It has worked well for us for nineteen years.

    I doubt you will ever get an invitation to one of these rituals. They are not generally public events.

  • nice guy says:

    Like many you confuse nudity and sex. As a naturist I agree with the idea that if you want to worship anyone, the only proper way to do it would be the way in which a god had dressed you in the first place – naked.

    Yes nudity does go with sex, but not all the time.

  • ~Heathen Princess~ says:

    They exist but are not the rule, they are the exception. There are many, many traditions that have no nudity in them what so ever.

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