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Question by Tylerr Remazki: Is this a good ‘Magic The Gathering’ deck?
I just started to get into Magic again, and I have very limited options of cards to use in a deck, but here’s what I have so far.

The idea of the deck is to pump out as much Mana as I can in one turn, therefore there are a lot of cards that sacrifice for a mana, that find mana, etc. Then after there’s enough Mana on the field, I play the heavy hitter cards, please tell me if this is a decent deck.

Wild Mongrel
Nimble Mongoose x2
Harvest Wurm (Return land from graveyard when played)
Llanowar Behemoth
Rampant Growth x2 (Search for land)
Metamorphic Wurm x2
Monstrous Growth
Fierce Empath (Search for land)
Seton’s Scout
Land Grant x3 (Search for forest and put in hand)
Muscle Burst x2
Lifespark Spellbomb (Sacrifice , draw a card)
Scaled Wurm
Grizzly Bears
Wirewood Guardian
Invigorating Falls
Striped Bears
Untamed Wilds (Search for land)
Spore Frog (For defenses)
Deadly Insect
Plated Rootwalla
Metamorphosis (Sac. a creature to add mana = to its casting cost)
Tangle Golem
Seedling Charm
Diligent Farmhand (Sarcrifice , search for land)
Far Wanderings (Search for land)
Sylvan Might
Reclaim (Revive card from graveyard)
Springing Tiger
Stonewood Invoker
Stone-Tongue Basilisk
Divergent Growth (All lands gain ; Tap:Add one mana to mana pool)
(rest is land)

I salvaged this from what I had, so I’d like to know if this is a DECENT deck.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill C
41 cards here without land, probably good as that would leave 19 lands and a lot of mana acceleration.

Big beefy critters is a green staple, so the weaknesses are if you don’t find the mana cards right away, you also have problems with flying and other evasive creatures as the only flyer I see is the Deadly Insect. Have some defense from enchantments as well. Get a naturalize or 2 in there, they are common enough and if someone Oblivion rings your creature or puts a pacifism on it, you can at least do something about it. Fracturing gust is another option and it gains you life. Also, with a lot of mana, have another finisher that could deal with flyers as well. Hurricane and Squall Line are 2 green options to take flyers out of the air, but they damage the players too, so if you’re winning the life game, they could be a finisher or if you know you’re going to lose, it could help get you a draw.

The deck doesn’t seem to focused on a theme, so it’s hard to say how it will do, but I hope that trying this out for you is fun.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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