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“You must not make for yourselves a graven image, or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the Earth beneath or that is in the waters under the Earth.” Prophet Moses Exodus 20:4 “We (Royal Plural for GOD)gave Moses the Scripture, complete with the Best Commandments…” Surah 6:154 Holy Quran While the Quran, and most of the Bible are True…The major religions “representing” these Holy Books are not. Many Catholics and Muslims are good, sincere people, but that does not change the fact that the religions they belong to have, not only pagan practices, but also Illuminati symbols in, on, or around their places of worship. While the pagan sun symbolisms in the Catholic Church, and elsewhere in Christendom, are obvious…did you know there are Mosques with images of the sun as well? In fact, not only does Islam use the pagan crescent moon of Egyptian origin…but this same symbol is rampant in Catholicism! In addition this pagan and crescent moon symbol is used on government property in the US And it’s not just the crescent moon and star. It is also the All Seeing Eye of Ra that is found, not only in Catholic Churches, but also in the Islamic countries. Have you ever wonder what the supposed “Sacred Geometry” symbol that is in, and around Mosques are? It is actually an ancient Illuminati symbol. It is called the “Flower of Life” and comes from ancient Egypt. The videos I post are not to hurt or offend anyone. Nor, am I trying to destroy your faith in

25 Responses to Islam – Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 2/5

  • TheMarcesean says:

    hahaha!! i thought i was the only one in this world realize about this!!! my beloved brothers and sisters… there is only ONE true religion!!!! accept the fact!! i begggg youu!!!

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    you have not noticed all the admiration Muslims give to Muhammad…or dead Imams?
    this lecture actually has a lot of truthful things in it. and the truth is…Islam has deviated just like those before them. God says in the Quran that the people always deviate after their Messenger is gone.

  • streezystreetz says:

    By the way, I hate this video. Is all propaganda. Since when a muslim worship dead people?? And besides he shows a lot pictures and made a lot of false interpretation of the picture. We all know that a picturecan say thousand of words, however out of thousand words, how many are the truth? This video just to brainwash people.

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    peace to you,
    God did not give you any Hadiths…they are man made rumor and fabrication. what God gave you was the Quran, but apparently that was not enough for the wayward people who did not believe it was complete and fully detailed…even though God clearly said it was.

  • MDIS says:

    Somehow or rather ; our hadeeths are too many and i am appalled that God would give us that many hadeeths.

  • CaligirlSofia says:

    the reason that women are in the back is not because they are not important its because there are parts in the prayer that muslims bend over and it would be inappropriate to bend over in front of the men and also distracting thats why also that is not an “all seeing eye” but the “hand of fatima” just turn that the other side and also it can refer to the eye of fatima but its not an all seeing eye, this man is incorrect a lot about islam

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    yes, i know. it is complete fabrication…the amount of wives and servants.
    i invite you to watch Parts 5 and 50 of my videos.
    they are easy to find on my channel.
    peace upon you

  • raultalbot7 says:

    @WhereIsTruth …
    Nothing in the Koran specifically states that the faithful are allotted 72 virgins apiece. For this elaboration we turn to the hadith, traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad. Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, “The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby.”

  • fatpurpleturtle says:

    @WhereIsTruth yeah i know. im christian & people often blame the bible for catholic/occult works. ill see part 104 but im very skeptical so it might be hard to believe

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    …please understand, i cannot keep re-explaining to each person.
    if you see Parts 5, 46, 50 and 104 you should have a pretty good idea of the general message i am delivering….and it’s not what you think.

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    no, lol…Go does not say anything about 72 virgins in the Quran. also, what God says in the Quran is that if you kill one innocent person, it is as if you killed the whole world. also, that you shall not kill yourself.
    also, the Quran says that God is the best planner…not deceiver.
    like i am trying to explain to you…what you see people believing, doing and practicing in Islam, for the most part, has nothing to do with the Quran.
    as to you other point.
    please see Part 104

  • fatpurpleturtle says:

    @WhereIsTruth i read in the Quran somewhere that Allah gives suicide bombers 72 virgins in heaven. im probably dead wrong so correct me if i am. doesnt the Surah say that you should kill atheists & people who choose not to worship Allah? What about one of Allah’s names being “the deceiver?” What about Allah tricking ppl into thinking Yeshua was crucified? are you calling God a fool by saying his word is corrupt & he needs a man to correct him? How is man redeemed to a good God without a Christ?

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    those things are not from the Quran.
    there is not one thing in there about rape, world domination, sex bribery, forceful worship or ritual.
    what the Quran actually says is “there shall be no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from error.”
    the things you have heard that you assume are in the Quran, are actually in the Islamic Hadiths…which are man made nonsense.
    if you would like to see the videos i mentioned, along with Part 50, you would better understand.

  • fatpurpleturtle says:

    @WhereIsTruth honestly, i dont know much about the Quran. i do know that its preaches peace, war, good, evil, ritual, morality, forceful worship, rape, world-domination, sex bribery & many peaceful theologies like the bible. it makes Allah out to be generic, deceitful, impersonal, immoral & unholy as well as good. irregardless, the biblical understanding of a holy God completely falls apart if Jesus was never crucified.

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    i was wondering, have you ever actually read the Quran?
    please don’t be stumbled. it is not what you think.
    the Quran, and what Islam does, are completely different things.
    i invite you to watch Parts 5 and 46 of my videos, if you like.
    they are called:
    “Sweet and Bitter Message”…it is about Revelation chapter 10 and the Quran.
    “What Does the Quran Say About the Bible?”
    peace to you

  • fatpurpleturtle says:

    i try to be open minded & unbiased about everything, but any theology apart from the bible doesnt make sense from an objective standpoint.

  • 011nathi says:

    I respect the opinion of the man of this video…but one thing that really surprised me ( but doesnt surprise me now ) is that protestants, pagans, jewishs, muslims, atheists, incluiding midia very much fight against catholicism.. generally these people say the same things…anything new…

  • allthatisrealislove says:

    What is the name of the South African man? Thanks

  • MopDMTBARTL says:

    @spidermanav I was raised Catholic and we are not biblical. I read the bible and see how we do not follow it.

  • MopDMTBARTL says:

    @WhereIsTruth Exactly – just like with Christians and the bible. All religions like Catholic, Baptist, etc.. under Christianity is pagan. None which support or even know what is in the bible. We don’t follow the true message of Jesus Christ and xmas is not his bday

    Watch: “The Arrivals”

    Truthknowledge. com

  • ROOTCYPHA says:

    Ossirus was never worshiped as white if so show me the evidence. Plus the deity christ is and adaptation of ossirus/hourus.
    Has some intresting refferances but …….

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    it’s a lot to explain in comments friend.
    if you like, i invite you to watch some of my videos.
    maybe you could consider parts 5 and 46
    peace to you

  • MetalHeadViking says:

    @WhereIsTruth I wouldn´t be so shure about that. Have you red Walid Shoebats book? There is a great difference between what the bibel teatches and what the koran teatches. It is infact the opposite. In other words it is anti-Christian.

  • MegaWalid7 says:

    uhm error my friend. that all seeing eye is a cult but not in the Islam in the Islam that eye is forbidden with that hand.

  • WhereIsTruth says:

    peace to you,
    yes, everyone should read the Quran…then they would realize that Islam isn’t following it.
    the Quran is True…but Islam follows the Hadiths.

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