“You must not make for yourselves a graven image, or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the Earth beneath or that is in the waters under the Earth.” Prophet Moses Exodus 20:4 “We (Royal Plural for GOD)gave Moses the Best Commandments.” Surah 6:154 Holy Quran While the Quran, and most of the Bible are True…The major religions “representing” these Holy Books are not. Many Catholics and Muslims are good, sincere people, but that does not change the fact that the religions they belong to have, not only pagan practices, but also Illuminati symbols in, on, or around their places of worship. While the pagan sun symbolisms in the Catholic Church, and elsewhere in Christendom, are obvious…did you know there are Mosques with images of the sun as well? In fact, not only does Islam use the pagan crescent moon of Egyptian origin…but this same symbol is rampant in Catholicism! In addition this pagan and crescent moon symbol is used on government property in the US And it’s not just the crescent moon and star. It is also the All Seeing Eye of Ra that is found, not only in Catholic Churches, but also in the Islamic countries. Have you ever wonder what the supposed “Sacred Geometry” symbol that is in, and around Mosques are? It is actually an ancient Illuminati symbol. It is called the “Flower of Life” and comes from ancient Egypt. The videos I post are not to hurt or offend anyone. Nor, am I trying to destroy your faith in Most Merciful. Their purpose …
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@fatpurpleturtle Man I am so happy to know someone feels the same way I do. Not saying there aint some holy people here on the Earth but all fall short of the Glory of God.. I think you’d have to be a complete idiot not to think only by His grace are we saved from death… Look how long man has been around and we still aint got it right.. The further away from the Father we get the worst it gets..
peace again,
i’m sorry to keep referring you to videos, but there is no way i can explain to each person…that is why i made videos…but Part 104 is my response to this comment.
@WhereIsTruth God’s name is I AM because he is eternal. All II know is that the Quran itself denies the crucifixion of Yeshua & it doesnt teach that salvation is by faith alone, as if it were possible for us to achieve godliness on our own. I will watch your other videos though.
YHVH means I AM
are you sure you do not have the fabricated Islamic Hadiths mixed up with what the Quran says? most people, even Muslims, do.
if you like please see two other videos i have posted:
Part 49 “O Islam, How Could You Deviate?”
Part 50 “What Does The Quran Say About the Bible?”
@shah22k God is personal so its easy not 2 be deceived. if we say our God is the father of Jesus Christ(son of God) then we are specific. if we say our god is Allah(which isnt a personal or specific name of god, but a title) we could be worshiping the devil & not even know it. the Quran is ritualistic just like every other cult that was created to pervert the truth of God. its all about world domination which is satanic. the God of the bible isnt concerned with taking over a fallen world.
1-Similarities between Christianity and other religions have been invented or hopelessly exaggerated. That there have been some real similarities is undoubtedly true. It would be astonishing if they did not exist, since all religions have some idea of communicating with an invisible world, and symbolic expression is as natural to man as language itself. But similarity does not prove connection or derivation.
2-The value of that assertion is completely dependent on the value of the proof that can be advanced in favor of it. And no proof of any kind is given for it, or can be given. On the other hand definite proof is available to demonstrate that the doctrine of Christ was directly the revelation of God as He Himself claimed. It was no new synthesis of ancient teachings derived from Jewish, Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Indian, and other sources.
Most of old churches in Europe were built on pagan temples, it is a fact.
@shah22k Here is a link : (Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer– The Illuminati – Freemason Connection ) (i can’t post the comment with the right adress but u can google it) .I think you should do MORE research! and it’s not the only source where the connection it’s explained.
the first thing you might want to do is ask Allah for forgiveness for using such filthy language.
the second thing you might want to do is have your mother wash your mouth out with soap.
you stupid cunt illuminati worship satan this guy is so stupid we believe in one god jus lyk christians u stupid fuka do ur research properly and stop teaching ppl bullshit u dont know wot free masons are
reed the quran and then make up your minds
I sent you some private messages, and will send you some more with further proof and other problems.
present you proof from the Quran.
it doesn’t matter what the Hadiths say, they are full of lies and nonsense.
Actually, it is a fact that Muhammad kissed the stone, and also commanded that it be kept when all of the other things in the Kaaba were removed (along with other things that were directly connected (He even named his daughter Fatima, which was the name of a moon goddess. I will provide some links for you is personal messages.
show me in the Quran where Muhammad kissed this stone, or the Quran for that matter.
you cannot. it is a teaching of your fathers.
we know what Allah says about that.
it is a tradition of Islam that has nothing to do with the Quran.
i do not care to argue.
i have written and posted all these videos, and spent so much time over the years answering comments because i believe what i am saying is true and important.
@WhereIsTruth i agree with moon thing and yes (good muslims don’t do that and i guess it was taken at Amowya khelafa to differentiate between mosques and churches .. but what about kissing the Quran you mean (or kissing the stone) .. it was done by Mohamed “pbuh” and who ever kiss it says what Omar Said: (“I know you are a stone that don’t do anything, but because The Prophet kissed i am kissing you”) .. but everyone knows that it is not worship as worship is for Just Allah
peace again,
it is a meteorite…so what.
it has nothing to do with the Quran, despite what Muslim believe.
also, they kiss it…so yes, that is an act of idol worship
if the crescent moon has nothing to do with Islam then remove it from the mosques.
it is pagan…it is the symbol of the Roman goddess Diana and Luna.
also, before that it was the symbol of Baal…which is Satan.
@WhereIsTruth The Stone of The Ka’aba is a true stone from Heaven (and sceince proved it is not from earth) and muslims believe it was sent from God after God accepted repentance of Adam
AND Muslims don’t worship it nor call its name or any of that crap .. and symbol of the moon is an Insertable to Islam and it had nothing to do with the religion at all (if people add it to define Mosques from Churches it was done with good intentions) and still ISLAM has no SYMBOLS as this guy claims
peace to you,
Islam certainly does have idols. how about the crescent moon and star on top of many mosques. how about the pagan black cube you circle?
those things have nothing to do with the Quran.
the Quran is true, but the religion called Islam has deviated…just like the Abrahamic faiths before them.
see Part 49 and 50 of my videos for proof from the Quran of Islam’s deviation.
what is that crap ? .. trying to connect Islam to this idiocy ? is that idiot an expert of Islam to talk about Islam (and in Islam there are no symbols) .. why don’t you people go and ask Muslims about Islam instead of listening to this idiot allegation. Islam is to pray for The Unseen God of the Universe (God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus) .. and NONE of this crap about Islam is TRUE at all.
this is why i dont associate myself with religion…because of all of the misinterpretations and contradictions. mankind has completely corrupted us as well as this society. we are blinded by the truth and fiction. at this point…i am spiritual…(monotheism)…look it up!
Why buid it on the same site !!! .. commanality in belief is a stupid argument !! I can say that from Indian history, where mosqueues were built by destroying temples at that very site. And the intent was to destroy the prevailing faith and its beliefs and erase the history by destroying the structure
yes i agree Lovedby,
did you read the description to the video?
but there is a lot of good info in this lecture…that is why i reposted it.
but yeah, if you read the description you will see that i address that he too…is mislead.
this is good information, but wow this man is horribly deceived by his own faith, and is very arrogant and rather annoying.