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Question by 2nd In Command to David: Isn’t Jesus the best proof of a God that we’ve ever had, including in any pagan religion?
Like the pagans have no proof, maybe. But Jesus is in the history books, and the Bible is read like a document, not like a poem like the pagans have.

Anyway, isn’t the best proof of God that we’ve ever had for the past 2000 years been Jesus?
Josephus Flaviuns Mentioned him, and that’s good enough for me. 🙂

In fact, he didn’t even know if it was even lawful to call him a man. lol

Best answer:

Answer by Eriella
Nope. There is no proof whatsoever that he even existed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

21 Responses to Isn’t Jesus the best proof of a God that we’ve ever had, including in any pagan religion?

  • gutbucket says:

    If that’s the best proof, you might as well give it up.

  • IanCorrigable says:

    Open dictionary. Look up “proof”.

  • Desiree says:

    “…the history books…” That’s pretty damn vague and there is not one other mention of biblical Jesus anywhere other than the bible. Since the bible is just a book of nonsense invented by the greedy Catholics who wanted to control the monarchies and governments of the world, your “proof” is rather poor.

  • Michael K says:

    Which history books do you refer to? What objective evidence for Jesus do you have?

    I’m still waiting.

  • andy e says:

    No,jesus is not in any history book.

  • William says:

    jesus is a sun deity and all chrsitianity is pagan! LOL

  • jeffd_57 says:

    Yes, Jesus is the only one to prove he was who he claimed to be in front of verifiable historical witnesses.

  • Ouroboro says:

    Nobody can necessarily prove he even existed yet. He might have, and nobody can say he hasn’t existed.

    That’s why I created my own cult that only I’m in. I worship the devil in my own cool way, it’s more stylish than regular satanism.

  • james s says:

    Watch Religoius

  • Jeff Spicoli says:

    Yes, and jelly doughnuts are proof of Switzerland.

  • Mack says:

    dead guys are usually just proof of dead guys…

  • ??V? 4 Š?M????? OR ??? 4 ?????? says:

    except for the Bible, the existence of Jesus is not known

  • Actual Answer says:

    Paganism is essentially a hands on religion, where the Pagan has a direct relation with their divinity, unlike in Christianity, where you have to take questionable literature on blind faith. Atheists may say that Paganism is as delusional as any other religion, but really, it is at least more empirical, whether we are totally insane or not.

    Edit–Jesus the alleged messiah, while attested in history, is not frequently attested outside of the Bible, and those non-Biblical sources do not necessarily paint a pretty picture of the man.

  • Gary says:

    How quickly we must pass the trophy–Best Facepalm Moment of the Day goes to…(the envelope please)

  • Just Go Look It Up says:

    I don’t follow your logic. Just because something is written in a history book means it has to be true? Are you 12? It can be read like a document, but it can also be read like a comic strip.

  • Cyrus C says:


  • ClanMan says:

    Your mighty, all powerful god….died.

    LOL he just up and died, I guess creating the universe is no problem, but a couple of roman soldiers whooaaa look out.

  • JerryMc says:

    If Jesus is proof of God, is David Koresh also proof? We not only have documents of the Branch Davidians, we also have live video of them committing suicide. I think you’re logic (if you can call it that) is flawed.

  • AMER z says:

    Jesus is God !!

    who was in charge for whole solar system when he was riding donkey leaving Palestine

    God is much more than to down to earth and do what human kind do like sleeping, eating, etc.

  • Child of Venus says:

    The Bible is not read like a document except by Christians…and we already know their bias…Non-Christians read the Bible for what it really is: a mythological accounting of the history of the world that has much meaning as an example of allegory, and very little meaning as a factual account of history. Most of us accept that Jesus was a great man with wonderful ideas of peace and love, but a man nonetheless…and yes, it is lawful to call him such. I have my own proof of the existence of the gods, but it’s not enough to prove it to the world. My gods have no need to prove themselves to everyone. They show themselve to those that they choose as followers, and don’t care if other people believe in them.
    Venus Bless

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    So…Josephus mentioning him is enough. ::blink, blink:: A Roman historian (a suspect body to begin with, since Roman histories are known to be questionable in accuracy) makes a second-hand reference to somebody, and that’s enough?

    Should we bring up the other mythological figures that are mentioned by the Romans? Because, if that’s the case, Zeus is alive and well. If you want to expand that to the lineages copied down by Christian monks in Ireland, then all sorts of Celtic deities existed as well.

    If you’re going to accept Josephus’s tenuous reference as being a keystone of proof, then you need to allow for that same permissive acceptance to other source materials – which would therefore mean that there’s a *lot* more deities that are going to get “proven” to exist.

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