Question by Fred Flint: I’ve wanted to be a werewolf since early childhood. Is there any way I can do this without getting bitten?
I’ve always wanted to be a werewolf but think getting bitten would be too painful. I’ve tried voo-doo magic and sexual rituals but they don’t seem to be working. Any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Alex
Stop. Before you end up institutionalized.
What do you think? Answer below!
Hahaha that couldn’t be possible. You should go and talk to the us army and if you are lucky you may become like a zombie after the experiments hahahaha.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news bud. Those who do claim to be werewolves are usually therians or otherkin. Either that or they are pulling your leg. Those who are therians or otherkin are often born that way and/or “awaken” to it later in life anywhere from the teen years to the thirties or later. If you manage to find a werewolf as described in legend and have it bite you, kudos, wish fulfilled. Unfortuately, there has not been any other proven method of becoming a werewolf. Some rituals that claim this can involve possession by a malicious spirit and nothing is worth that. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I know.
When you found out call me

You want to be a werewolf but you’re afraid of the pain that comes from being bitten?
What about the pain of being transformed? Are you nuts? Even if you could become one, can you imagine how much it would hurt to have your bones reshape themselves, your facial structure changing drastically, your nails forming claws, and big nasty hairs growing all over your body?
For someone who’s not big on pain, you might want to rethink becoming a werewolf, dude. >_>
They don’t work because they can’t work. You can’t be a werewolf. They’re fictional, not real.
Please. I beg you, learn some science! Some biology! Gads.
you should give up, cause werewolves (unfortunately) do not exist.
Aren’t Werewolves the tools of satan??? Might not be very Christian :0)
um werewolves as you say or rather wolf-therians are real in a sense but you have to be born whit a wolf soul to become one, and they do look like regular humans
i am one but sorry, you have to be born one. well actually just about everyone is like it. here is the link to a website that may help.
” Being bit does not always work, know that now. Unlike rabies, lycanthropy is passed through blood, not saliva. So, if you get attacked, chance are… wells, chances are you’ll die. But if you don’t, you probably struggled a lot during the process. That will tear a the gums of the wolf most likely, and get it’s blood into your wound. One drop will do it. Also, you could drink the blood of an infected person, or inject it. Or, unprotected sex. Lycanthropy is a lot like AIDs, blood passing. You can’t realllly be born with lycanthropy… if your mom was a wolf when she gave birth to you, you’ll probably get infected through the birthing process. You won’t show symptoms until puberty. If your dad is a wolf, and gets your mom pregnant with you, you’ll have a wolf blood line. You will show symptoms around four or five, sometimes earlier. You’ll never change though. You may change mentally, but no physical change. You can’t catch lycanthropy through misquotos like a lot think. The virus needs a host, a warm and strong body. A cat could carry it, or a dog, or a human. A rat? Not likely, but it’s possible. A bug? It’ll die within an hour or so. It’s needs to be warm to stay alive. And now, could a regular dog who has it turn into a wolf? No. They’re just carriers, like monkeys and pigs in Ebola. They don’t show symptoms, but they carry it, and we are the ones affected by it. ”
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