said that Jesus is potrayed as having a very detailed knowledge of biblical history and in one particular statement, according to scholars, makes a very subtle indirect reference to the coming of Shiloh, in which, both Jews and Christians find echoes of Messianic claims. In brief, it seems to show that Jesus considered himself the Shiloh. Curiously there is a biblical place by that name where the Ark of the Covenant was kept and even more curiously where the Levite priests served at a Temple – but nowhere near Jerusalem.
The teachings of Jesus are in essence all the same and reflect an intensity not like that of John the Baptist full of fire and brimstone, but of fraternity or brotherly love and the spiritual enhancement of knowledge. Jesus it would seem, cursed Judea and prophesied doom to come from the cross, but then, he felt betrayed by the people he had chosen to join the new State of Israel he had set him to establish. He was a radical from a Judaic viewpoint and was practically lynched when he started to preach in a synagogue in Gamala. We are told he was going to be thrown over a cliff but was saved in time. He neglected the mandatory circumcision, but he threw a fit before the traders at a Temple which he either disdained or respected too much to allow it to be soiled by material opportunism. Jesus was not a family man and in fact disliked its obligations. He was a teacher first and foremost and loved knowledge. He was also very politically correct and of a very high order of culture, being able to quote ancient religious texts much to the amazement of the Jews with whose hierarchy Jesus could not identify. The reason for this was that he had inherited a very significant body of knowledge of the tribes and refused
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