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Driven by personal or family aspirations ?
A series by Michael Mifsud
The aim of the Jewish governing body in the days of Jesus was to use the power of Rome as a bridge to the outside world and carry their influence surreptitiously with grace and favour support from those they worked with . Jewish people have always done this throughout history for whatever legitimate reason. Even in the days of the Caliphate of Cordoba and Emirates of Granada, they worked to establish their rule and influence with the usual catastrophic results that have haunted the “race” throughout history. The Jewish people see the world through their own historical perspective and have always refused to accept the fact that they are only one of the many tribes that made up ancient Israel. The world at large however, Christian and Muslim in the main, see it through their attachment to the ancient tribes with the exclusion of Judea. The intense involvement in banking which involves interest rates was abhorred by most religious factions and it is this particular inclination that has mistakingly earned the ordinary Jewish people a great deal of unfair apelativos. The Jewish claim to Israel, however, is patently false and its only genuine cultural attachment is Jerusalem which was never the capital of Israel but very much a conquest of the Ju deans over the Jebbusites as I have mentioned previously. Any attempt to change the order of these meaningful biblical chain of events, is (as is already happening) a long slide to self destruction. The more´s the pity, because the contribution to the