with the sort of aspirations that create a false sense of achievement, as is the case with the so called takeover of a Holy Land that was never their´s exclusively. In fact they are repeating history in so far as they were not officially the leading force in the Jerusalem that they shared with the Jebussite inhabitants and proto Phoenicians. It also echoes the takeover of Canaan whose inhabitants tolerated but allowed their occupation, probably because of their superior skills. Their leader we are told, terrified David. The claim to Jerusalem therefore as being the very centre of their prime historical heritage, is also patently incorrect since the Judeans were Hammites and any claim to Royalty in the tribe comes from their ancient Sabean origins. The Yemen, Mecca, Egypt and Ethiopia are probably of greater religious affinity than Jerusalem whose Temple never had the Ark of the Covenant and may have also, according to scholars, been shared with the indigenous population in its first occupation. This may lend truth to the statement often made, that the only tablet of the law every found was the one at the temple of Baalbeck and contained the Laws of Hammurabi (similar to the ones attributed to Moses). The tablets of Moses were never found and neither is there a record of a copy having been made in case of loss. The remains of the last Temple in Jerusalem however is what is left of what was built as a sop to the crowds by a very anti Jewish, pagan of the likes of the Herods. Moses, if he ever existed, probably wandered with his great multitude (born and bred in Egypt) throughout the Arabian Peninsular and there is every reason to suspect that the Canaan of the Bible is nowhere near Palestine of today. It is also very much an academic suspicion that