Get Adobe Flash player to buy The Great Work and get off the series with the coupon “TUBE” Also get The Science of the Secret FREE!! THE AGE HAS CHANGED! IT’S NOW TIME FOR EVERYONE TO DO THE GREAT WORK. ISN’T IT TIME YOU STARTED? From the producers of Magical Egypt, The Great Work is not just another Self-Help Series… 10 years in the making, The Great Work is a Modern Day Mystery School designed to help you meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the 21st century. Join Lon Milo DuQuette and other leading Wisdom Teachers as they transmute the secret teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries, the Tarot, Alchemy, Kabbala and other Great Wisdom traditions into practical tools of personal transformation and enlightenment. If you are familiar with “The Secret” or “What The Bleep,” you’ll discover that The Great Work is the next step in your self-awareness, self-confidence, personal growth, and professional achievement. Come join our social network
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to John Demartini from The Great Work DVD

  • jojojigaboo says:

    what a fucking creep
    he should be selling YUGOs

  • lightshiner4ubud says:

    the kybalion

  • lightshiner4ubud says:

    who gives a fuck

  • Falstaff0809 says:

    I don’t know if there’s anything to this stuff, but his analysis of the woman and her love problems is highly intelligent and clear. How much of this is “magic” and how much of it is applying a few clear and well-thought out principals to our lives (something we’re all too lazy and scared to do)?

  • gregsobekofficial says:

    he looks like a snob. great information though.

  • Magus71 says:

    This information and the information contained in “The Secret” comes from Hermetic writings. All of this is contained in a little book called “The Kybalion” by Three Initiates.

  • alshelin says:

    “Imitation is suicide.”

    Contradicts Machiavelli, who says that all great men have followed the paths out by great men, so that “even if we don’t reach the mark we are aiming at, we will at least savor of it.”

  • oldboy777 says:

    Has nothing to do with material wealth

  • Yatukih001 says:

    The DVD´s are definately for real and I sure plan to watch and view them.
    I thought they were somebody´s hooey because it was so long since I had given up any hope on finding a copy of any.
    Then I realized I could now easily acess them so I´ll be looking forward to see them

  • heftybuttocks says:

    The problem I have with ‘theses guys,’ is if their teachings were true and easy to follow, why is it that its only they who get rich. The laws of nature and probability dictate (along with common sense) that the vast majority of us will not benefit significantly if at all.

  • malakhi5 says:

    vbscompany said >

    The only difference is, the book works and this guy is a money fraud. Read those books first, then argue with me. I am an NLP Master Prac, trained under Bandler…..

    Whatever mate. If you, your qualifications and your training are THAT good and such an authority, then why arent we watching a youtube video of “YOU”?

    The reason you gettin upset, is because Demartini is where he is, and you are where you are — which is probably nowhere.

    Ah..whatever. Demartini rocks!

  • vsbcompany says:

    Yea, I work for Bandler. Give me a break. Don’t care what he’s teaching, but when he pretends he created it as if he spent hours thinking and meditating and figuring things out, it’s all bull. He read a few books anyone can get their hands on, maybe took an NLP course. THAT DON”T QUALIFY HIM.

  • originalvega33 says:

    Oh dear… “NLP religious battle” – LOL, Isn’t that an oxymoron? I hope you don’t see NLP as a religion… but if so… hahaha – “welcome to the fold my brother”.

    I don’t understand what you have against other people teaching a slightly different version of NLP than you happen to like. Let me guess – do you work for Bandler? 😀

  • vsbcompany says:

    Well, It’s obvious you believe this fraud unless you wouldn’t challenge me. Nominalization IS a nominalization in the sense that it changes a process into an event, but it IS NOT a nominalization in what it means. I don’t want an NLP religious battle with you. That’s not my point. My point is that this guy is not necessary in your life because he teaches the same thing (watered down) that more qualified people are teaching. So why waste time with these baby steps. Welcome to my sandbox.

  • originalvega33 says:

    Rrrright. Because of course you know EXACTLY what I am thinking, what I believe, and know exactly how widely I’ve studied NLP for (hint: its more than you think). /sarcasm.

    For the record, you might want to go look up nominalization in the dictionary – nominalization is itself a nominalization, since its not the accepted definition of the term (how ironic). Go play in your sandbox 🙂

  • vsbcompany says:

    I’m surrounded by non-readers. At least Bandler knew he created were vague concepts and ridiculous human meaning adjusting words. “Happiness” is different to each person,so are “values.” In hypnosis, it’s called nominalization. Meaning, fluff words that don’t mean anything, but each human fill in the meaning. That’s why you believe you know what he is talking about, because YOU are filling in the meanings of his fluff, unconsciously. Because what specifically is a “value system?” Where is it?

  • originalvega33 says:

    To be honest it doesn’t matter if you call these concepts NLP or whether you claim they have something to do with the Secret, blah blah; the techniques and ideas themselves are timeless. What matters is what are you going to take away from watching this, if anything? Bandler is old news and ancient history, even if he has a better sense of humor than this guy.

  • pagandaughter says:

    Sour grapes much? I don’t put much faith in anyone…Tony Robbins or this guy or Wayne Dyer or anyone else… but I can see that you haven’t gotten what you have wanted out of life and so you’re determined to make sure that no one else does either.

    These aren’t gurus. They’re just guys with ideas. Regurgitated, yes. Sometimes you have to retell something in a different way for it to sink in.

    You sound very unhappy. Please go look for your own happiness and stop begrudging it in others.

  • vsbcompany says:

    To be honest with you. He looks like some of my drug addiction clients. His eyes are like a stoned person’s or a drunk’s. As if he took a sniff backstage before giving this interview. He seems so depressed, as if he cries endlessly when he is alone. I feel bad for him, he seems so miserable. He talks about congruence. Look a his head movements at 2:35. That’s incongruity. His unconscious is saying “no, this didnt happen.” Wake up folks, don’t listen to anyone. Success is a religion now.

  • vsbcompany says:

    Oh please.
    Give us a break with this crap.

  • vsbcompany says:

    Incongruency, values systems, unconscious-conscious, decisions. All key words. Read “Structure of Magic 1 and 2” Dates back to about 1970 something. ALL of this is in those books. The only difference is, the book works and this guy is a money fraud. Read those books first, then argue with me. I am an NLP Master Prac, trained under Bandler. This fake has dismantled the real NLP and created some crap that rip off the real NLP. Do you actually believe The Secret? Wow. i hope not. Fake.

  • vsbcompany says:

    Value systems, perception, sensory motor functions, ALL NLP. Too many other things he said to name here. You should really stop listening to anybody. If you read Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins, EVERYTHING this guy says is in that book. (Even though Tony was NLP trained) as is this guy. Research HIM and not the bull he is spewing. Law of Attraction is trash. Do you have what you think about yet? If you don’t, of course it’s all your fault because of your conflicting values. Bull S.

  • WORNOXTANK says:

    again….open your heart and evolve…..Not true. NLP is merely head stuff…Go and get equilibrated and then reply

  • WORNOXTANK says:

    Not true. NLP is merely head stuff…Go and get equilibrated and then reply

  • thirdeye2020 says:

    ahhh, you poor “skeptics” hahahaha!! “the mind sees what it wants to” hey? well, it doesn’t see what it doesn’t want to either…….and can’t because “logic” will always have its way to protect its beliefs…….”condemnation without investigation is at the height of ignorance”……and if you choose to let my comment about you bother you, then that’s YOUR problem….and if I’m wrong then why does it bother you? closed minded people suck…hahahaha (if my view bothers you and i’m wrong, why?)

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