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Josh Ritter performs a new track, “The Curse” from his upcoming album in-studio at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Josh Ritter – The Curse (In-studio on WFUV)

  • Sointula2 says:

    @tabber87 Why don’t you show us how it should be done?

  • drebin1983 says:


    I’d say so, as he wrote it.

  • Jemie4580 says:

    haha das hier ist ja mal ein gutes video! aber will jemand herausfinden wie ich monat für monat über 6500 euros nebenbei verdiene ganz easy mit der hilfe meines laptop? schaut euch am besten jetzt auf mck-team + com die Erklärung zur Methode an! echt sehr einfach und im TV bei galileo wurde das system auch schon als OK begutachtet! einfach mal öffnen und lesen. ist ja auch gratis ;).

  • PGAUSJ says:

    @lesliemb1103 I completely agree. This is my favorite recording because of the little mistakes. Lovely.

  • tabber87 says:

    1:19, 2:12 Does this guy even know this song?

  • marshalsea says:

    @MoarQuestions I think that’s the base interpretation, but it’s metaphor on metaphor.

  • MsSchuk says:

    @Morpheus3x hahahahaha.

  • Morpheus3x says:

    @MoarQuestions I would disagree with your interpretation of the song.

  • lesliemb1103 says:

    Love the little mistakes! He’s so bright and genuine!

  • PianoOnWheels says:

    2:12 Haha, little mistake there.

    Still a wonderful song.

  • linzwestcoast says:

    what a lovely and unique song!

  • mycellorocks says:

    this song is great!!

  • MoarQuestions says:

    Truly a wonderful song…It depicts a woman who discovers a mummy and becomes completely obsessed with it. After taking it to a museum in NY, the mummy becomes extremely famous and the lady becomes even more obsessed to the point that she doesn’t go out anymore. She continues to imagine the mummy alive and then dies…The mummy was “cursed” with enticement.**

  • MoarQuestions says:

    Truly a wonderful song…It depicts a woman who becomes discovers a mummy and becomes completely obsessed with it. After taking it to a museum in NY, the mummy becomes extremely famous and the lady becomes even more obsessed to the point that she doesn’t go out anymore. She continues to imagine the mummy alive and then dies…The mummy was “cursed” with enticement.

  • kaylaslessons14 says:

    @bschott11 it’s Dawn’s Blueridge BG 60…

  • PazContigo says:

    Joshs new album is again such an incredible piece of songwriting….

    This man shines even brighter with every new song

  • merissa675 says:

    ahhhha. love him.

  • geewizz20 says:

    josh your an awsome writer

  • bschott11 says:

    To all wondering about the guitar it’s a Gibson J-45. Probably the best Guitar ever made.

  • bschott11 says:

    gibson J-45

  • bschott11 says:

    Gibson J-45

  • 22cmk says:

    I saw him last nyt in belfast, he sang this and it was totally amazing !!

  • lollymac10 says:

    Josh sang this live on Today FM this morning and it had me welling up as I drove my truck. I can’t wait to get his new album. This song is as good as his song Wings.

  • MilesStone92 says:

    @MaryaC143 okay. thanks. that’s pretty cool that he wrote them on the album for you.

  • MaryaC143 says:

    @MilesStone92 I asked Josh last night at his show in Boise, because he was playing different chords than the ones we saw here. He wrote it on my album for me!
    Capo 5: C Am Em G. He’s doing some interesting variations in the strum pattern at at the ends of the verses now, too…..

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