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and yoga teacher. I worship the outdoors, so I now lead Vision Quests into the wilderness. I enjoy helping people, so I’m a personal coach and international seminar leader.

Where’s Your Juice?

You know in your heart you’re here on Earth for a specific reason and that you have something unique to bring to the party. You also know that you’ll never be truly happy or healthy until you find a way to express your signature vibration, your special gifts and talents. As the Native Americans say, ‘When you walk your heart path, you walk in joy.”

Tell the truth about what turns you on. What holds juice and electricity for you? Decide that you will only pursue a vocation with heart. Discover who you are and what you are really here to experience, explore and embrace this lifetime. Your decision and action will attract Authentic Work: a job that supports what you hold important and sacred. Allow your intuition to guide you to the forms and vehicles that will empower your spirit to express fully. You’ll move into a new arena of personal creativity and self-expression.

I notice that the happiest and healthiest people on the planet are the people who are living their dream—getting paid to do what they love. When you align your attitude and actions with your true passion in life, you align with your true destiny in being here. When you line up your life with your true purpose, you are automatically in harmony with the soul plan and passion of every other person on Earth. Thus through natural synchronicity, every other person on the planet assists you to achieve your vision. On this planet, what is congruent gets the support.

Viola! Discover your bliss. Get

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