Sutra is believed to be done by Captain Richard Francis Burton in the year 1885.
Templesof Khajuraho: Depicting Sex in Sculpture
The carvings and sculptures done on the walls of temples of Khajuraho (India) depict various acts of sex narrated in the book of Kama Sutra. These carvings demonstrate how the bodies of men and women involved in corporeal acts can be well positioned to arrive maximum pleasure out of the acts. The temples are built in the medieval period.
KamaSutra in Literature and Movies
Many writers have taken help of the materials given in this book to highlight the theme or subject they narrated in their books. Even the novelists of all the ages have consulted this book of wisdom whenever they wanted to read some authentic passages about the most intimate relationship between man and woman. There are number of movies, which have accepted the themes narrated in Kama Sutra.
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