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Kama Sutra Sex Positions

When Sting came out and told the world he’d had tantric sex for twelve hours, men and women everywhere sat up and listened. While the Kama Sutra itself is not technically a tantra, there are many Kama sutra tantra positions that can be used in your sexual practices which can bring you closer to nirvana.

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Tantra, specifically, is very close to magic or ritual. It is a set of practices, not beliefs, that use ritual, energy work through the chakras, and the most mundane things to help the microcosm of your individual mind join with the macrocosm around us, even if only for a moment. The Kama Sutra is a collection of love advice that in some places includes tantric positions that can be used to improve your spiritual and emotional wellbeing and strengthen your relationship with your wife or partner.

Identifying a Kama Sutra Tantra Position

Tantra positions often focus on the alignment of the chakras, which inhabit the body’s midsection from pelvis to crown of head. A Kama Sutra tantra position that aligns the chakras in both partners and joins them at the pelvis is almost always going to function tantrically.

For instance, both man on top and woman on top align the chakras of partners at some easily-detectable angle. This position becomes tantric when both partners focus not only on the pleasure of sex, but on the energy building up in the chakras and its ultimate release or withholding.

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