Karen, the darling of the BBC’s award winning sitcom “Outnumbered,” tackles the finer points of Christianity and Hell before reaching the inevitable conclusion. rationaldreaming.com. I don’t monitor the comments here on YouTube, so if you want to discuss the video with me, feel free to stop by the web page for this video on my blog at http
@snowdog2112yyz yep you can do dunno if it will play in America… if you are in America of course. oh and there is an American version of this being made in the US
This is awesome! HAHAHA
“Satanists… do things to goats” XD
even people that want to stab u in the eye with a pencil? LOL
Lmao, Karen could be a Spiritual Leader when she’s older
ha ha on the cross- ‘Mouse, killed by mummy’
“At least if it goes to hell, it’ll have cheese on toast”
“May the force be with you, because you’re worth it.”
Karen FTW
Yes you can! Go to amazon.co.uk and look up outnumbered. They ship worldwide. Hope this helps!
@snowdog2112yyz yep you can do dunno if it will play in America… if you are in America of course. oh and there is an American version of this being made in the US
THIS SHOW IS THE GREATEST!!!!! Damn..I wish I lived i England!!! I have been ruined. Can u get this show on DVD??
@minimarioman I soo agree. Nice to meet another open minded christian.
“But, then. If he wasn’t alive..How would people know how to draw him?”
“Are you calling Ms Braybrook a liar?!”
Im a christian and I think this show is amazing, fundie’s piss me off though.
Haha, too funny.
This show would probably too offensive here in the US because fundie Christians get so butthurt about everything.
hahahaha “I’ve been a christian”
good on Karen for getting away from it!
“Satanists… do things to goats” XD
she has a monobrow tht they wax each series
I love how she says: “There is somethink about drinking milk!” :p
May the force be with you because you a worth it. MILK!!!!
love this lol
‘at least if it goes to hell, it will have cheese on toast!’ LOL i love her, she’s so funny (:
This is great, I wonder if BBC America has it?
This is great, I wonder if BBC America has it?