Law of Attraction: How to Gain More Abilities and Improve your Life
There are many levels above where we operate. The ancient Hawaiian tradition (among several) give us all sorts of abilities to achieve. And this is mirrored more modernly by the studies Silva did from the 50’s up through his death and continued by his students.
Now this is all based on principles such as the Law of Attraction and Huna’s four levels of reality. As you study the Law of Attraction and those who wrote about it, such as Atkinson, Hill, and others, you can see that all sorts of before unseen and unknown abilities can be discovered and attracted into your life, such as:
1. Remote viewing. You can know what happens at distant locations from where you “are”. Most of us think we are only stuck to this meat body we’ve been nurturing along all these years. But one of the key principles of Huna is that “There are no limits.” We are all connected. This is a holistic view of interpreting this world and our immediate (and longer-range) environment.
There are many AmerIndian traditions of shamans being able to know things happening a long way from where they were. Modern CIA experimentation was able to utilize people who had honed this talent to work on finding lost agents or peer into other nations’ defenses.
2. Shape-shifting. Traditions hold that shamans were able to assume the shape of any animal (or plant) to gain information.
However, this is a more common ability than generally thought. Ever sat in your car and something “didn’t feel right”? And then you found something was out of order, or someone had changed something in or about that car. Generally, this is because you tend to extend yourself into your car (or whatever you drive)