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in order to operate it.

Similarly, you can “know” something is different about your pet. It takes familarity. Old farmers (from long lines of farmers) who had raised years and years of crops could “intuitively” know what was needed by a certain crop that year – and whether they could do anything right now, or what to do if they didn’t get that rain, etc.

Familiarity and intuition are linked – but certain people with “tele-sensory” talents might be able to get data others were missing. Dowsers fall into this category.

3. Lucid dreaming. The fact, as posited by Serge King and observed by many, is that we dream constantly. Just put your mind in idle and you start to see this – it’s called day dreaming by some. When we “sleep” at night, we are really surrendering to this dreaming completely. Some think they don’t dream, but if you lay still on waking and try to remember what you were just thinking about, you’ll find some interesting dreams you’d been having.

In lucid dreaming, you can exert some control over what you are dreaming – in that dream world you inhabit for that little while.

Some explanation for dreaming is found in Huna as one of the four levels of reality is symbolic. Things can stand for other things. So when you change something in a dream, it will affect it’s opposite thing in the “real world” we live in.

This one has texts written about it and it worth exploring by everyone.

4. Trusted communication. Silva got this down to a fine art. Atkinson also talked about this in his books, as well as Bristol. As we are all connected, we can influence others around us – within the limits of treating them as we would like

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