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Johns Hopkins University study reveals mushrooms produce mystical religious experiences lasting for at least a year. The better way Is LAY GNOSIS at
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first song I upload in a longass time enjoy
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to LAY GNOSIS Allegro Amanita Muscaria Psilocybin Shamanism Santa Claus entheogen Religion

  • GnosticNinja says:

    “Knowing others leads to wisdom; Knowing the self leads to Enlightenment.
    Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self calls for inner strength.”
    ~ Lao-tzu

  • kimbo99 says:

    @GnosticNinja BEGInNERS Link left index. takes 20 mins

  • GaiaAnnunaki says:

    But dude I checked out your site and looked it over and I can’t find any techniques on how to do this with out shrooms, just seems like your whole site is promoting the site but I can’t find the meat of it.

  • kimbo99 says:

    @GnosticNinja An exquisite creation you are.

  • GnosticNinja says:

    The “holy sacrament” is not for everyone. In secret ceremony the initiate gets the goods when spiritually ready. Nowadays we have young experimental thrill seekers and party hounds, they crack open doors of perception with no guidance, into the “looking glass” (mirror) are shown negative aspects of their soul of which Ego keeps hidden. Some will go literally crazy!

    … and there is a more subtle, safer, gradual approach at True Blue Healer.

  • TheUnion5 says:

    The reason is that Jesus Christ is the Amanita Muscaria sacred mushroom, the actual experience of the cross. Obviously that knowledge for highcast priesthoods only, and so it was censored. Wouldn’t want the common laymen enlightened now, would we? It could fuck up the ecconomy!

  • kimbo99 says:

    Superior to drugs……. To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site truebluehealerDOTcom-Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE

  • salvinorinman says:

    Pope stole the scrolls and ate them. Just like ezekial said, I think the jesuits and the masons have all known as well as the
    hebrews the hindus and mesoamerican civilizations.

    There is a great degree of truth to the mystical experience in conjunction with these mind-augmenting mystical tools. What is further interesting is that these molecules appear to be progression of the endogenous metabolic pathway eg: DMT, Psilocin, etc.

  • kimbo99 says:

    So I have done that DMT trip the hard way. An ugly irony is major governemts who legislate against hallucinogens are the biggest drug dealers. War in Afghanistan is about opium. And Agreed indigenous peoples with close family links and supervised usage for spiritual gain is radically different..Brains dont physically mature thill age 26. Impulse control can take that long to appear.Western science is much to blame for insisting we are just animals..And dumbing us down.

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    holy crap, what a horrible ting to go through, glad you made it our alive 🙂

    Definitely two different drug cultures here, one is ancient practice for spiritual reasons, and the other isn’t good at all, abuse, crime, very shady, unsafe…not good at all, and a real problem.

  • kimbo99 says:

    “Throwing out the bath’ I confess to being biassed as I have been attacked bashed and shot at by people in altered drug states. A gun held in th eye socket has an effect on one’s DMT, while ones wife is pistol whipped. I read strassman. I know mushroom people.And agreed, no one advocates abuse but too many people naiveley think more is better. So abuse occurrs widely. Always good to hear from you.

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    Drugs (plants) have allowed you to live longer, dont be so quick to throw out the bathtub with the water, especially when you’ve never even taken a bath! 😛 A lot of artistic expressions, views, inventions, etc etc came from drug use. One could argue it didnt have to be that way, but the fact remains it was that way. and still is

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    How can one criminalize what every human being has within their own body, and use every night when they sleep and dream (hallucinate) 4 LSD like compounds are found within the human brain, the pineal gland produces DMT.
    I really dont know anyone interested in the field that advocates for the abuse of any drug, including aspirin.

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    Laws are proof the system has failed. These drugs are not outlawed within indigionious people. They dont have a large crime problem, or is their way of measuring sauces have anything to do with money/power/high society, and guess what? They’re not the ones creating wars for civilization to to over populate a bunch of fat lazy slobs that exploit the planet and people has fast as they can worshipping the almighty illusion of wealth, class, all done with paper fiat debt.

  • kimbo99 says:

    And proponents of self medication would have us believe that most every successful person in history Socrates etc has been a secret drug user and every one will benefit today from pot and hallunicogens. Disregarding that 80% of our crime is drug related. I’m certainly no mushroom advocate.

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    A man is alone in the wilderness, but would like a second opinion, he does a drug, and now has a different perspective. This same man can do this anywhere, anytime. There are many of us that dont believe the mushroom connects one to anything, nor would anything else, that it only opens ones mind to a different perception.

  • kimbo99 says:

    So what might its true potentials be? Side effects? Whats the success rate of people doing this shroom alone in any old setting? how long does the muscaria effect last for?

  • zhuliu says:

    Usually mushrooming / shrooming implies use of the Psilocybes, which Amanita muscaria is not. Let me tell you up front, that the red mushroom is a complex but fascinating organism and its secret has not yet been rediscovered, or at least publicly. While its legends are many, they only hint at its potential. It could be argued as the only real source of true magic.

    You Ozzies may have muscaria fruiting right now in your pine forests.

  • kimbo99 says:

    Thank you for the clarification. Have not read any of his books. I rely on youtube. Itsa fascinating subject. Do you mushroom?

  • zhuliu says:

    While I agree that red mushrooms underlie original Christianity, you didnt get the Allegro sequence quite right. Allegro didnt actually get his mushrooms theories from the Dead Sea Scrolls. He got them from the Bible. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, the book where he profiled his mushroom theories, is a translation of Bible texts; not DSS texts.

  • kimbo99 says:

    Risks you take- experimenting- a table spoon of apple seeds will put you to sleep forever.Quite lethal. Lay Gnosis and meditations have no ill effects.
    Spewing is not the best way to introduce yourself to God.Bad manners.

  • mrvidra12 says:

    @Ton4o no this is zero blade

  • missdrewsies says:

    Yay !! love it ! thks !!

  • Ton4o says:

    this is zero-blade, no?

  • Psycowp says:


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