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Used to create magic circles in which to weave spells and also in spells that are cast to create binding magic.


Used for the power they add to a spell and also for altar decoration. Every spell caster has his or her own favorite stone, which they know from experience works for them. Each crystal holds its own power and will give different results.

Essential Oils

Commonly used in spells on their own, to dress candles, or added to incense which is to be burned in a censer. Essential oils are powerful and should never be swallowed or, with certain exceptions, rubbed directly onto the skin without first being diluted by some form of carrier oil (such as almond). The exception is lavender, which is one of the most popular and is often drizzled into a ritual bath to add fragrance to the warm water.


Widely used in the making of magic. They can be easily obtained from shops and markets and many are just as easily grown in a garden or window box. Not only is this cheaper but when they are growing their pleasing smell wafts into the house when the wind is bowing in the right direction. Herbs can be strewn on glowing charcoal, added to smoldering incense or used to anoint candles. Herbs make wonderful charms carried in a handbag wrapped in a piece of natural cloth and carried in a pocket.


Used either in powder, cone, or stick form to represent the element of air. Traditionally it should be placed and burned on the east end of a witch’s altar.

Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about basic Wiccan supplies here:

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