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Learning Tarot Spreads

Rating: (out of 1 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 21.95

Price: CDN$ 8.06

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One Response to Learning Tarot Spreads

  • Tami Brady says:

    Review by Tami Brady for Learning Tarot Spreads
    Tarot spreads can be extremely versatile. In fact, there are many ways to tailor spreads to an individuals needs be they insight into a generalized question or very precise information about a particular question (or aspects of that query) within a chosen span of time. Despite this versatility though, most of us tend to have a couple of favourite spreads that we use no matter what our intention.

    I am definitely amongst the majority of tarot card users. I have two spreads that I tend to use the most and because of this fact I often find myself frustrated when I would like a little more understanding of how a situation came to be, when I’d like more detail about a particular question, or when I could use a little more guidance.

    That’s why I really enjoyed working through Learning Tarot Spreads. This book doesn’t just illustrate a bunch of new tarot spreads that I will try once and likely never use again. Instead, the author sets out to teach the reader how the shape, position, and relations of cards as individuals and as part of an entire spread react, interact, and compliment each other. Readers learn through trial and error while undertaking different exercises set out in the text. Once armed with this knowledge, the reader can easily make up his or her own tarot spreads in order to work with any query or purpose that they may choose. I really like the freedom or creating my own tarot spreads and the piece of mind that these spreads are properly balanced and suit my intention.

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