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Can anyone read tarot cards? Sure they can. But just like learning a foreign language, some will seem to have a natural talent for it, while others may struggle. And just like a foreign language, there’s more to it than just memorizing lists of vocabulary and verb conjugations. To be fluent in tarot, to be able to pull poetry from a spread, it takes an appreciation for the finer nuances of the symbolic language, and practice, practice, practice. Even Shakespeare worked at his art, and so must the tarot reader.

The key to successfully reading tarot is in honest study and sharpening your natural intuition. You know that feeling you get “in your gut” sometimes, that no one can really explain? To be able to effectively interpret a tarot spread, you have to trust your gut. Doing so will probably take some practice. When seen this way, we see that tarot is more than just a memorization of card meanings. It also involves confidence, trust, and dedication. Most taroists meditate regularly, to become more adept at hearing, and understanding, their subconscious minds.

Learn the Symbols, Listen to Your Heart

There are essentially only two parts to learning the tarot: studying the symbols and learning to tap into that special part of you that is connected to the whole of the universe. Obviously, this is a gross oversimplification of the process, but it is the framework upon which successful tarot reading is built.

Learn the Symbols

In the basic tarot deck, the symbols draw upon the western European magical tradition, and include ideas from Christian mysticism, Pagan mythology, astrology, numerology, alchemy, and Kabbalah. One could spend an entire lifetime studying these

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