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These two are constantly in battle against each other, the Id, or the lion, wants nothing but pleasure regardless of the moral and ethical consequences, while the woman, or the super ego, wants to be civilized, proper and respectable.

In most cases, when the Strength card comes up during a reading, it is a positive sign. It means that, in the context of your question, that you are resisting the bodily desires of your lion and living out your life and accomplishing your goals in a proper, respectful, and if you want, a decidedly Christian, manor. The Christian influence on the tarot can be easily seen with the Strength card.

When the card appears reversed however, it can be assumed that you are allowing immorality and carnal temptations distract you from the life you should be living, or could be living. Of course, like anything else within tarot, the interpretation depends on the original question asked at the time of your reading.

Tenzin is an accomplished author dedicated to bring to you little known resources which will teach you all the secrets of the Ages. Find out your PERSONAL Tarot Card which represent influences that will be with you through your ENTIRE life. And find out what future has in store for you with this AMAZING FREE Tarot Reading!

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