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Recorded by me, Ultimate7Life AKA SirSky~~! ? [Requested] – It’s showing some characters the spells of Avada Kedavra & Crucio Most of characters that can use Dark Magic can use those 2 spells (Peter can’t use Avada Kedavra) Crucio can kill people but it can’t kill your partners – Sorry about 1 thing~! I don’t record Macnair = =||| Macnair appears in Year 3 He can use Avada Kedavra & Crucio
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 – About the spells of Avada Kedavra & Crucio

  • SuperSpamHunter says:

    @1337sir super bonus level

  • Zanmatt2g says:


    huh i wanna see some blood

  • pokedeathmage says:

    o my god ron survived avada kedavra!

  • 1337sir says:

    Oh wait, I found out how to get Voldemort. Nevermind

  • venom82965 says:

    can you make made up characters evil like in star wars you can choose to be on the dark side or the light side???

  • 1337sir says:

    Where did you find Voldemort?!?!?!?! I cant find him anywhere.

  • xxkjh12xx says:

    do you have to play multiplayer to use such spells and to use chars like tom riddle? or can it in single player as well? (thank you in advance)

  • StigVaderWho says:

    um crucio can kill your partners but you have do it repedidley

  • Bertee510 says:

    hahahaha fuckin epic… say night night hagrid!! 😛

  • docdis11 says:

    omg please can you tell me how to find some of those characters ive just been replaying all of the levels cus i can do reducto and theres heaps of things that only dark people can break into. Cool vid by the way 🙂 thumbs up

  • Ultimate7Life says:

    2:21 I show a little
    I don’t show all characters
    But the people that can use this spell same as Avada Kedavra
    (Except for Peter)

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    also for myrtle use harrys face

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    Ultimate7Life when i said Susan Bones face and body i meant face and hair

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    @spiderfreak1011 when i said face and body i meant face and hair

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    @Ultimate7Life a tip when u try to make James use Amos Diggorys face and body but use Nevilles hair and add a black cape, also when trying to make Lily use Susan Bones face and body and add a black cape but if u can try to use lilys ghost shirt if not use gryffindor robes, and with Myrtle use Slytherins girls hair and add a black cape and ravenclaw robes and name James James Potter, name Lily Lily Potter, and Moaning Myrtle just Myrtle

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    @Ultimate7Life if u make the other video along with those characters i asked u to kill try to see if u can make 3 custom characters that look like James Potter, Lily Potter, and Myrtle then kill Myrtle with young Tom Riddle and kill James and Lily with old Lord Voldemort

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    auctually kill Barty Crouch JR with Macnair

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    so if u can make another video kill Professor Dumbledore(Grey), Professor Snape, Mad Eye Moody, Peter Petigrew, and Igor Karkaroff with Lord Voldemort, also kill Barty Crouch Jr. with anyone but Voldemort, and kill Dobby with Death Eater if u can please do it please

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    anyway u know how u can cast avada kedavra on a ghost and it can bring the spell u can do it with regular minifigs if ur doing 2 player ive tried it once. Aim for ur target and make sure ur target is aiming at u then u releash the spell at the same time as ur target and 1 of u will carry the spell and can kill people by going into them any way for those of u who wonder Myrtle has a wand but Lily dosent its because Myrtle had a wand when she died and Lily didnt have hers when she died

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    anyway its ok that u didnt kill Dumbledore but if u make another video and kill milkman and moody use voldemort to kill dumbledore too

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    @Ultimate7Life i didnt mean like it was ur fault. i really dont mind that hes not there to tell u the truth

  • Ultimate7Life says:

    OMG~~! I forgot this one~!

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    although if u can try to make another video where u kill Milkman and Mad Eye Moody with Lord Voldemort but if u cant its ok

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    i forgot to tell u to kill MilkMan but its ok we already see him die in a cutscene

  • spiderfreak1011 says:

    i didnt know Professor Quirrel(Voldemort) could use avada kedavra either im supprised Barty Crouch Sr., Sirius Black, Fred(Sweater), Colin Creevey, and Professor Lupin didnt scream when u killed them anyway the only other dark character u forgot (not Snape)was Macnair but besides that u were the best thanks

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