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conception, which takes place in the fallopian tube far from the effect of the drug.


The oral contraceptive takes effect only when the already conceived foetus migrates to the uterus for further development.


It is here in the uterus where the oral contraceptive prevents the foetus from installing itself to the uterine membrane the endometrium.


The foetus would then simply be evacuated into the toilet and ergo death to the foetus.


Is this effect not dissimilar to pushing someone off a balcony and blaming gravity on any ensuing injury?


Or is it that civil law gives precedence to age, implying that the older a person may become the greater his worth independent of personal accomplishment an effect of osmosis as it were?


You would suspect that civil law was written by someone with intent on protecting himself, but an analysis of the famous oral contraceptive lays testimony to the fact that the human has conveniently relegated to the foetus the responsibility of his own potentiality resulting in his own native contempt.


How can it be that such a theocracy has established it that automatically the foetus is worthless and exponentially human value increases as though through inflation?


It seems that it works with in such an efficacy imitating a climactic event but then declining as though life was established according to the axe of the orgasm male or female.


From conception here grace of the oral contraceptive the human being can be sarcastically measured in true economic terms as a product of consumption.


With this what can be understood is that the sentient human is automatically

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