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levels and should not be taken over Intellect if you find you can heal through boss damage.

Shaman – Shamans have the same gear choices as a Paladin. Though, there are more relevant stats in leather, cloth is still the better choice here. Intellect and Spell Power are the way to go here.

Druid – Here is where the gear choices start to differ. Druids will want Spell Power more so than the above two classes. Also, Spirit is a valuable stat, though not as a primary stat. Spirit must be kept as something than came with the gear, not as an only stat. Again, stick to cloth in the early levels.

Priest – Priests have the same gear choices as a Druid. Again, Spirit is not a primary stat. Save it as a stat that came with the other stats.


Picking the right talents should be an simple matter. Only the Priest has two talent trees dedicated to healing. Here are a few guidelines before I break it down by class: 1) The pushback reduction talents are almost useless for a healer. You should not be getting hit. 2) Pick talents (And a class for that matter) that fit your play style. Don’t follow someone’s spec and expect to do well with it. Instead, if you see where you are lacking, fill those holes with talents that can help. 3) Stick to one talent tree, until you have gotten the top talent. Don’t go down another tree as you will end up gimping yourself just to get a certain talent.

Now here are the classes:

Paladin – Paladins are considered the best single target healers in the game. They rely on big single target, spamable heals for their healing. Because of this, you will want to pick talents that increase the mana efficiency of these heals. Talents that increase the amount healed or

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