This is a levitation test, and we want to thank Andrew Sigwart for helping us out with blender! You guys should check out his videos!
Please Subscribe as we get a new glitch video very often! If you think you have a glitch that we can do, (we will be able to do it) comment here, or send us a message, or you can e-mail me (e-mail below) and we will try to do it! This glitch uses 2 other glitches that I have posted before hand, 1 using the glitch to a secret area (First Section of the Video) and the second is going underneath Stormwind. Well, when 3.3.0 came out, it unlocked a special “bug” i guess you could call it, so Levitate can make you walk straight up hills. Things to know: In order for the Levitate spell to work correctly, you must get stuck in a sort of V area, where you get higher than when your suppose to be. Its a little tricky to get into and you need to walk in order for it to be easier on you. On this video, I get ontop of the Stormwind Bank and can see everyone else below, pretty cool, and great for someone to screw with alliance. I just thought of this, but when your up there, try to shot them or cast a spell on the people below. Watch in HD! Songs: Check My Brain – Alice in Chains and Last of My Kind – Alice in Chains Both Songs are from Alice in Chains newest albumn. Comment for any questions. Video Edited with CyberLink PowerDirector 8. Recorded with Full version of Fraps.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
can you attack people down below or is it LoS?
lol my friend got banned
because he said : Lets make powerleveling
idiot –,,.,,–