LOL…that’s how I used levitation in Morrowind. Levitation on self, then on target, fly upward and they’ll fly up with you. When you’re really high up, watch them fall to their deaths as their levitation spell expires! >=D
where would I find that mod? is it there for being downloaded somewhere like at planet elderscrolls or tesnexus? good job, have u done this? hehehe and btw – I play a dremora myself…^^
LOL…that’s how I used levitation in Morrowind. Levitation on self, then on target, fly upward and they’ll fly up with you. When you’re really high up, watch them fall to their deaths as their levitation spell expires! >=D
It’s a re-texture of a deer not a goat…
dude there are goats in oblivion?
As soon as the arrow leaves a bow it becomes an individual item.
the levitate object spell can be used to halt an arrow mid-flight and toss it aside.
Gives a very Jedi-esque feel
I hate all the 360 users that ask if they can get them
where would I find that mod? is it there for being downloaded somewhere like at planet elderscrolls or tesnexus? good job, have u done this? hehehe and btw – I play a dremora myself…^^
dude, if you made this spell, hats off to you. i’d really like to start modding, as i have many ideas. help me ou please? btw, whats the song
Its a mod, if you cant tell.. hes playing as a dremora. =d PC only, stop asking if you can download it from xbox live, nooblets.
lol.. stupid kill, what if you face a king or something.. use this can? XD
wow that cool man!
It’s a scripted spell for the PC only, sorry no xbox.
yeah, how do you get the levitation spells, and can you get them on the 360?
Hey, is this work for all systems. By the way, how do you get the levitation spell?
You should have levitated something as the skys the limit, unless they never come back down.
Kick ass song man.
That is cool as hell, i can script just about most stuff in the game except for destruction spells.