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Link Building Tools

If the title of my article is your question, then here’s the answer. Yes, they do. Link building tools work. The key is to learn that rule from the start. You see, all search engines consider valid, reputable links to a given site to be a sign of popularity or importance, deserving of a higher rank, more so than those with no links or links of ill repute. To enjoy a high rank in search engines such as Google a site will need solid links forged using proven methods.

Creative, well-written articles, posted to the better article directories have the potential to produce many links back to your site if published by other site owners looking for good content. Interesting, informative articles relevant to your products or services should be posted to your favorite directories regularly.

Maintaining an off-site blog is an excellent way to build links that increase traffic to your site. Each time you blog, it’s like creating a mini website with a link back to your main site. Another way to gain more exposure to your site is to offer positive and informative comments and feedback on other blogs.

Posting Bookmarks to your articles at social bookmarking sites is another way to increase exposure to your site. The saving and sharing process will be enhanced and simplified for your readers as well. There are many social bookmarking sites to choose from. Some examples are:, and, currently the top three.

Web directories are yet another great tool to build natural, quality links to your website. Using web directories you get a larger amount of inbound links. There are paid and free software and web based submission tools for web directories all over the Internet that will save you much

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