It is a really private affair and need not be discussed in public.
Finally, the concept of live-in relationship and pre-marriage sex have now started gaining the recognition of statutory bodies. Everyone is changing with the times which is a welcome sign. However, if one indulges in it just for fun or time pass activity, it will result in an explosion of a dynamite which is in immature hands. The hands that failed to control the explosion. The result will be negative for people involved in particular and society in general. So, think over it before convincing yourself or your mate that Supreme Court has given you a licence to go for the kill. Let me know what do you feel.
Live Simple,Think High.I firmly believe in \\”WORK LIKE A LABOURER AND LIVE LIKE A KING\\” Totally Self made person who is confident of achieving anything in life.I have some sense of humour and dont mind in laughing at myself.Dont dare to challenge me on anything because I love proving people wrong. Life is short and there is so much still to be done.I am enjoying every moment of it.Optimistic attitude backed by sheer hardwork,preseverance,zeal to excel contribute immensely towards my growth. My ambition in life? I think I will be happiest when I have my business set setups in UK,USA,CANADA and GERMANY.Again a great challenge but I am willing to accept it.
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