In the workshops you learn hands-on techniques to shift yourself from fear to fun, disaster to delight, and tragedy to ecstasy. You re-awaken your direct knowing and your natural creative and spiritual powers. You gain tools to shift conflict into harmony, illness into wellness, and scarcity into prosperity. You discover your worth, master money, deepen intimacy and refresh your spirit. You rekindle the fire in your belly, the primal excitement that is life itself.
Beyond Beliefs!
The Dream Workshops go beyond words and beliefs, beyond methods and formulas. I facilitate the workshops with a total respect for your intuition and individual choice and pace. Each gathering is tailored and customized to your specific aspirations in life. The workshops are living beings—they grow and change with the people who show up. Each gathering is fresh, spontaneous and organic.
Grow with Grace
The workshops are about personal direct experience and discovery, not theory or philosophy. The workshops are experiential, not simply intellectual. They’re a heart trip, not just a head trip—world lessons, not word lessons. You create with the awesome power of pure vibration, creative life force energy—Alchemy, Grace.
You use the power of your peak experiences in life to transform the aspects of your life you want to change now.
If you would like to, take a moment right now and feel the vibration, the energy, of a time in your life when you were in the flow, in the zone, in a groove, on a roll, alive, vibrant, open, creative, or—as they say in New Orleans—cookin! Enjoy the feeling, the energy, the vibration, of that