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the cards are turned.

Next comes the actual tarot reading. Tanya Kapoor who has been doing tarot reading for her clients in India, dubai and other parts of the world uses the knowledge of the Tarot to comment on the impressions of the meaning of the Tarot card. Do not just go by the book definitions of the cards and say whatever comes into your mind. Look at the image on the card and remark on the card themes as they come to mind. Whatever your first impressions are, they’re correct, says Tanya. Then analyze the meaning of the tarot card in connection with its position and comment on it. Try not to second-guess yourself or over think what you are saying. You are going to learn to tap into your intuition, not your intellect.

As a tarot reader, after you have given your interpretation of the cards, ask your subject if anything you have said was particularly meaningful as regards some issue in their life. If yes, reinterpret the cards in more detail, specific to the circumstances that they describe. If your client says no, nothing sounds familiar, ask them questions and re-phrase the themes of the cards and you may well be on the right track, but need to explain the cards in a different way for the client until something rings a bell.

Once your subject gives you some feedback, reinterpret the cards in a way that is specific to the subject situation. Tell a story tying all of the cards together, explaining them in as clear a way as possible. Tying all the themes together, and perhaps using a different way of explaining them which might make it even clearer to the client.

Focus on the positive aspects of the cards, and stress that nothing is carved in stone and the subject actions can change the

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